MUS-20068 - Performance Practice
Coordinator: James Shufflebotham
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

Solo performance offers the opportunity for students to present:
a) 20-minute assessed solo public recital.
b) 15-minute assessed ensemble public recital
They will will regularly perform parts of both their solo and ensemble repertoire in the workshop classes which make up a significant portion of the module. These class performances significantly help to increase the confidence of each student in playing in front of an audience. Students will discuss and work on a close examination and inculcation of the skills required for successful performance at an advanced level; attention is given to idiomatic performance practice, style and interpretation and communication.
The assessed recital at the end of the module is open to the public, offering the opportunity for friends and family to attend and support.


The module is designed to develop the musicianship and skills involved in both solo and ensemble recital performance. It also aims to enable students to develop confidence in playing through regular class performance whilst increasing objective critical awareness of themselves and other students.

Intended Learning Outcomes

show evidence of the detailed preparation both technically and in musical research required for convincing and communicative performance: 1,2
organise efficiently individual and group rehearsal and practice time: 1,2
show their knowledge of key repertoire for the chosen instrument and the ensemble: 1
illustrate a detailed critical awareness of performance: 1,2
demonstrate stylistic sensitivity and musical understanding, including an awareness of both historical and contemporary performance styles through reflection and performance: 1,2
produce a balanced programme in terms of styles which also reflects musical awareness, technical versatility and familiarity with the repertoire: 1
illustrate and describe in programme notes the context, character, style and form of the works to be performed, using a written style appropriate to the audience: 1,2
develop understanding of stagecraft and recital programme building: 1,2

Study hours

48 hours seminars and workshops
72 hours seminar preparation
120 hours preparation for and completion of assessed recital
60 hours listening and score study, programme note research

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Performance weighted 70%
20-minute solo performance
Students will present a 20-minute recital open to the public of a programme that is well balanced and carefully selected in consultation with the Module Leader. Students will also prepare brief programme notes on the works which they are to perform using a language suitable for general audience (150-200 words).

2: Performance weighted 30%
Ensemble performance
Students organised into small groups forming chamber ensembles will present a 15 - minute recital open to the public of a programme that is well balanced and carefully selected in consultation with the Module Leader. All group members will receive the same mark.