MUS-30038 - Contextual Studies 1
Coordinator: Alastair J Williams Room: CKF04 Tel: +44 1782 7 33300
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

This module introduces students to key themes in the social and contextual study of music. Students are given weekly required readings and introduced to range of approaches to the study of music. Some experience of writing about music is desirable but not essential. The screen music aspect develops ideas from the Level 5 Film and Screen music module.
Indicative areas to be covered include:
1. Music in everyday life
2. Music and value
3. Film and screen music.
4. Music and emotion
5. Music education
6. Music and society
7. Music and Identity.

To introduce students to key concepts and preoccupations in current cultural musicology. The module aims to stimulate student debate and discussion around particular themes; it also aims to introduce students to repertoire relating to those themes. Students will gain insights into major musicological debates and research areas.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Critically assess and evaluate issues and theories relating to specialist areas within classical and popular musical traditions: 1,2
Engage with and evaluate pertinent issues in musicology and cultural theory: 1,2
Demonstrate greater understanding of selected musical repertoires: 1,2
Describe and make critical judgements about current areas of research in musicology: 1,2

Study hours

21 hours seminars
64 hours of seminar preparation of assigned reading
65 hours for preparation and completion of summative assessments

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Critique weighted 20%
Close reading of a relevant article selected by the module tutor
Students will be given a passage from a key text by the module tutor. Word length: 1000 words

2: Essay weighted 80%
3000-word essay
An essay of 3,000 words. The essay assesses the students' assimilation of key themes from the module.