MUT-20014 - Digital Sampling
Coordinator: Simeon Soden Tel: +44 1782 7 33395
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

To better understand the notion of digital sampling in multimedia contexts (Music, Film, Media) in its various forms.
To establish a foundation for practical and theoretical implementation of digital sampling techniques for future exploration at Level 6.
To provide an introduction to the legal entities surrounding copyright law in relation to digital sampling for guidance and reference in future practical work.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of digital sampling practices currently in use within multimedia contexts: 1,2
Identify and/or implement a variety of sampling tools, techniques and types within creative and theoretical situations: 1,2
Demonstrate an understanding of copyright law in relation to sampling practices, current case studies and repertoire situations involving case law: 1
Engage with software and applications that are designed to assist or deter digital sampling processes: 2
Reflect critically upon repertoire involving sampling within contemporary times: 1,2

Study hours

24 hours of contact time, to include:
10 one-hour lectures
4 two-hours workshops
4 hours presentation participation
2 hours small group tutorials
Independent study:
38 hours of preparation for workshops and tutorials
88 hours of preparation for the summative assessment

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 60%
Essay on sampling examples chosen from the repertoire and genre of the student's choice (3000 words)
Essay topic and title will be negotiated between the student and the module leader

2: Creative Brief weighted 40%
Creative Project Presentation
A verbal presentation (10 mins) or creative showcase of sampling in action. The student will physically engage with music/sound samples and demonstrate how these can be used to ignite/fuel new creative work. A verbal presentation may track a particularly influencial song/riff/melody through history demonstrating its intertextual meaning/function, while a creative showcase may demonstrate a student's own creativity when integrating samples into composition work. This assessment would occur in-class followed by a quesiton and answer session for each student. Students should upload an account of their presentation - powerpoint slides or equivalent, a script, or short notes about their presentation to the KLE.