RDI-20005 - Exploring Radiation Protection
Coordinator: Phillip Andrews Tel: +44 1782 7 34560
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 20
Study Hours: 200
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

The aims of the module are to enable students to understand the principles of radiation protection including radiobiology, and quality assurance within the current legal framework and in accordance with the current evidence base. Students will study the principles of radiobiology, measurement of dose and dosimetry programmes and their application to quality assurance programmes. Relevant legislation and policy relating to radiation protection will be discussed to ensure that these principles are understood in context. The balance between radiation protection and a range of other factors such as image quality, patient throughput, relative risk, cost and the patient¿s physical capacity will be discussed and evaluated. Additionally the radiation burden from increasingly complex imaging modalities will be examined.

The aims of the module are to enable students to understand the principles of radiation protection including radiobiology, and quality assurance within the current legal framework and in accordance with the current evidence base. This is facilitated through the study of more complex radiographic imaging equipment including dynamic and cross-sectional imaging modalities.

Intended Learning Outcomes

define the principles of radiation protection including radiobiology, dosimetry and shielding of individuals and the hospital environment: 1,3,4
explain the balance between radiation dose and other practical concerns and be able to communicate and discuss these concepts within the collaborative environment: 1,2,3,4
undertake an experimental dose study including presentation of data
: 1
examine a range of complex imaging modalities with an increasing radiation burden for the operator, the patient and the public: 1,2,3,4
perform and analyse a range of quality assurance tests and measurements of radiation
: 1,2

Study hours

60 hours scheduled learning to include lectures, seminars and practical sessions, to develop the concept of an evidence base for practice. Students will receive a variety of directed study activities, to include electronic and web-based activities, reading and practical activities throughout the module.
Formative assessment will inform self directed study.
It is anticipated that study hours will include approximately 69 hours of practice experience. This is derived from a total of 413 hours, averaged across all six assessed modules in year 2.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Oral Presentation weighted 100%
Oral Presentation
An oral presentation in two parts to peers lasting up to 20 minutes (circa 10 minutes per presentation) to assess the student's ability to undertake an experimental dose study including presentation of both qualitative and quantitative data (part 1 in Semester 1), and their understanding of the principles of radiation protection (part 2 in Semester 2). Students will be expected to answer examiners' questions to demonstrate understanding. Students will be expected to submit an electronic copy of their presentation in advance. A single assessment grade will be derived from the two presentations equally.

2: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio B: Radiographic Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to assessment of specific radiographic practice competencies undertaken during Practice Experience.

3: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio C: Clinical Assessment Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to the six mandatory clinical assessments undertaken (twice) during Practice Experience. Year 2 competencies: shoulder, pelvis/hips, cervical spine, lumbar spine, abdomen & mobile.

4: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio E: Oral Examination 40 mins
Assesses those aspects of student knowledge and application mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to abdomen, simple trauma (appendicular including shoulder & hips) and mobile imaging undertaken by the student during Practice Experience.