RDI-20006 - Radiographic Practice 2
Coordinator: Eleanor Monaghan
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 20
Study Hours: 200
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

The aims of the module are to identify and explore the application of plain film imaging of the skeleton within the context of trauma management. Mobile radiography, fluoroscopic examinations, and other complex imaging modalities will be explored including the impact on the service user undergoing these examinations.The module content encompasses the imaging techniques used (and associated clinical skills required) for routinely performed fluoroscopic examinations, including angiography, and mobile examinations, within environments such as theatres, intensive care, the special care baby unit and the emergency department.

The aims of the module are to identify and explore the application of plain film imaging of the skeleton within the context of trauma management. Mobile radiography, fluoroscopic examinations, and other complex imaging modalities will be explored including the impact on the service user undergoing these examinations.

Intended Learning Outcomes

evaluate the role of the radiographer within a multidisciplinary team while undertaking person-centred trauma, mobile and fluoroscopic examinations; will be achieved by assessments: 1
demonstrate attention to the needs of service users and work safely in trauma, mobile and fluoroscopic examinations; will be achieved by assessments: 2,3,4
discuss the range of techniques required in mobile and fluoroscopic procedures and their appropriate application;
will be achieved by assessments: 1,3,4,5
undertake a range of examinations requiring adaptation of technique and supplementary projections, under appropriate supervision.

will be achieved by assessments: 3,4,5

Study hours

60 hours of lectures, practical sessions and formative assessments to address radiation protection relating to fluoroscopy, mobiles, theatre, ITU and resuscitation environments. Sessions to include skill acquisition for tasks such as aseptic technique, electronic monitoring and preparation for more complex radiological diagnostic procedures. Other complex imaging modalities will also be similarly explored.
It is anticipated that study hours will include approximately 69 hours of practice experience. This is derived from a total of 413 hours, averaged across all six assessed modules in year 2.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Reflective Analysis weighted 100%
Written reflection
2,500 word reflective piece on the experience of producing a patient information leaflet using theory to support its design. A reflective model is to be selected by the student to inform the assessment.

2: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio A: Professional Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to assessment of overall professional competencies undertaken during Practice Experience.

3: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio B: Radiographic Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to assessment of specific radiographic practice competencies undertaken during Practice Experience.

4: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio C: Clinical Assessment Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to the six mandatory clinical assessments undertaken (twice) during Practice Experience. Year 2 competencies: shoulder, pelvis/hips, cervical spine, lumbar spine, abdomen & mobile.

5: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio E: Oral Examination 40 mins
Assesses those aspects of student knowledge and application mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to abdomen, simple trauma (appendicular including shoulder & hips) and mobile imaging undertaken by the student during Practice Experience.