SWK-20004 - Personal and Professional Development (2)
Coordinator: Helen J Franklin Tel: +44 1782 7 34866
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 45
Study Hours: 450
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Barred Combinations

Description for 2021/22

This module provides students with a practice placement in which social work skills, legal frameworks and the range of formal knowledge accrued from successful completion of modules are applied to a social work setting. While on placement, students will begin to refine their sense of professional role and demonstrate professionalism in terms of presentation, demeanour, reliability, honesty and respectfulness. As social work students they should, by the end of this module, be able to take responsibility for their conduct, practice and learning with support through supervision.
This module meets the requirements set by the professional and regulatory bodies.

This module aims to support students to develop confidence and ability in essential social work skills, including core communication skills, engaging and forming relationships, professional and personal boundaries, critical reflection, written skills, assessment and intervention.
The module focuses on a 70 day practice learning placement in a relevant social setting. The student will develop relevant social work skills and apply relevant knowledge, theory and concepts to assessment and intervention.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

understand the role of the professional social worker in a specific context and demonstrate appropriate professionalism, demeanor, reliability, honesty and respectfulness in that setting: 1,2
engage in effective relationships with service users and other professionals and demonstrate effective social work skills and abilities in assessment and intervention: 1,2
appropriately apply and evaluate a range of concepts, theories and formal knowledge relevant to the practice situations encountered in placement: 1,2
evidence the ability to engage in critically reflective practice: 1,2

Study hours

10 hours preparation for placement sessions
50 hours portfolio and assignment preparation
390 practice learning hours (the equivalent of 70 days placement)

School Rules

Successful completion of readiness to practice process

Description of Module Assessment

1: Placement weighted 0%
Practice Learning
Students are expected to engage fully with the process of practice education and placement based supervision throughout their period of practice learning. Students must pass three direct observations of practice as well as evidencing achievement of knowledge, skills and values appropriate to the PCF 'end of first placement level.'

2: Portfolio weighted 100%
Portfolio 4,500 words
A 4,500 word analysis of practice and a portfolio of placement related tasks.