AMS-40040 - High Culture: Drink, Drugs, and the American Dream
Coordinator: Oliver Harris Room: CBB1.053 Tel: +44 1782 7 33016
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Enrolment on MA in English Literatures

Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

The module aims to study the social, cultural, psychological, medical, philosophical, and aesthetic dimensions of works dealing with three decades of American history that are concerned with a range of intoxicants - alcohol, heroin, LSD, and peyote.
Rather than taking a biographical approach (which might, for example, focus on the role of drink in the writing of the Lost Generation), the module focuses on representations of individuals or groups involved in sub- and counter-cultural use of mind-altering and/or addictive substances. The first half of the module focuses on addiction, the second half on the relationship between pharmacological and aesthetic experimentation.
The emphasis on studying formal features of texts also includes comparative analysis of Hollywood adaptations and films. The module is suitable for those who have already studied literature although experience of studying film would be an advantage.
Students will be expected to buy their own copies of all the set books and to read widely for the research-based long essay.

To study the social, cultural, psychological, medical, philosophical, and aesthetic dimensions of works dealing with three decades of American history that are concerned with a range of intoxicants - alcohol, heroin, LSD, and peyote.
To develop and demonstrate advanced level analysis of literary texts in relation to American wartime and postwar culture, including film.
To identify and analyse the relationship between drug states and experiments in aesthetic form.

Intended Learning Outcomes

situate sub- and counter-cultural groups to broader social, psychological, medical, philosophical, and cultural issues in wartime and postwar American culture; will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2
relate literary and filmic representations to wartime and postwar American culture to an advanced level; will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2
critically analyse the aesthetic dimensions of a range of textual representations to an advanced level. will be achieved by assessments: 1, 2

Study hours

30 hours, comprising 11 x 2-hour seminars taught for AMS-30038 + 4 x 2-hour tutorials designed for MA students; 120 hour reading and seminar preparation; 120 hours essay research and writing; 30 hours preparation for presentation.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Presentation weighted 20%
A 20-minute presentation
Students wil offer a presentation, held during one of the weekly feedback hours and before the seminar, on one of the core texts. Presentations should last for 20 minutes. Formative feedback will be given and presentation materials will be submitted in written form and/or as Powerpoint slides.

2: Essay weighted 80%
4,000 word essay based on second half of the module
4,000 word essay, including references, based on broader research into texts studied in the second half of the module, with the expectation of also comparatively exploring one or more texts not studied on the module.