Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will provide you with essential chemistry knowledge and skills relevant to aspects of environmental science and geoscience. Chemistry is taught with reference to appropriate contexts and in parallel with environmental case studies (e.g. landfill, acid rain) and quantitative aspects of the module are supported using taught sessions in scientific numeracy. Students who successfully complete the module will be able to use and interpret relevant chemical vocabulary, symbols, information and representations, carry out scientific calculations, recognise and use analytical chemistry laboratory apparatus and instrumentation, maintain a laboratory diary, manipulate, analyse and present scientific data using spreadsheets and write scientific reports. The range of learning activities is designed to initiate progress towards the development of Keele's Graduate Attributes with an emphasis on high standards of written communication, information literacy, presentation and numeracy.
This module aims to introduce students to core concepts in Chemistry applicable to the Environmental Sciences, including general chemical principles, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry and specific areas of environmental chemistry. This module gives students the fundamental grasp of environmental chemistry necessary for a further understanding of pollution problems in the environment and their analysis.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Apply numeracy skills to perform chemical calculations relating to quantities, concentrations, chemical properties (e.g. pH), rates and energetics of chemical processes, with due attention to scientific notation, units and significant figures: 1,2
Draw and interpret representations of molecules, and relate the shapes and other structural details of molecules to their chemical and physical properties: 2
Describe and discuss chemical processes of importance to the environmental scientist and to environmental management: 2
Carry out practical/analytical chemistry experiments relevant to the environmental sciences: 1
Analyse, interpret and present experimental data, using spreadsheets and word-processing software where appropriate: 1
Report the purpose, methodology, results, data analysis, and details of information resources, and conclusions of experimental work: 1
Interpret and use selected aspects of chemical vocabulary/terminology, chemical symbols and chemical information: 1,2
Scheduled hours:
26 hours lectures
24 hours practical sessions/problem classes
Independent Study Hours:
100 hours independent study
Description of Module Assessment
1: Laboratory Practicals weighted 40%Portfolio of practical assessments
A series of short word-processed laboratory reports equivalent to 1500-2000 words.
2: Exam weighted 60%In-person Open Book Exam - 2.5hrs
A 2.5h, 100 marks, in-person, invigilated, PC-lab based, open book exam.