Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This is a core module for all of the single honours chemistry programmes that explores a range of chemistry topics across the breadth of the chemical sciences and makes connections between them. The range of learning activities is designed to initiate progress towards the development of Keele's Graduate Attributes with an emphasis on the development of team working, problem-solving and independent research skills.
This module aims to introduce single honours students to an extended range of topics across the breadth of chemistry.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Work collaboratively to plan, implement and evaluate an experimental project drawing upon information from a range of sources: 1
Demonstrate competence in the use of standard chemical apparatus, procedures, and instrumentation through their application to the investigation of a chemical problem: 1
Disseminate the purpose, methodology, and results of an experimental group project via a rich media format and in accordance with professional conventions in chemistry: 1
Reflect on their own and their peers� contributions to a group project: 1
Extend and integrate first-year chemistry knowledge and skills to interpret and explain selected chemical phenomena, and to solve non-standard chemistry problems: 2
Taught content hours: 24
Group project hours: 36
Independent study hours: 90
Description of Module Assessment
1: Group Project weighted 50%Group Project
An extended small group project with planning, meetings, data/results interpretation/analysis, and reporting. Equivalent to 2000 words per student. The rich media format output, allowing students latitude for creativity will include individual and group contributions with group contributions being subject to teaching team moderated self and peer-assessment using WebPA.
2: Portfolio weighted 50%Coursework assessment
A portfolio of items testing students ability to locate information from a range of sources, including textbook and journal article-based articles, and apply this to the solution of structured chemical problems relating to the taught content. Equivalent to 2000 words.