Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This is a core module for the chemistry and medicinal chemistry degree programmes and covers key topics in molecular inorganic and organic chemistry which highlight how chemical processes can be used to synthesise molecules and builds upon the understanding of structure, reactivity and mechanism taught in Year 1. The range of learning activities is designed to further progress development of Keele's Graduate Attributes with an emphasis on high standards of key chemistry practical skills, record-keeping, written communication, presentation and information literacy.
1. To develop, expand upon and connect key concepts in molecular chemistry to provide a deeper understanding of the synthesis, structure, bonding, mechanism and function of organic and inorganic molecules.
2. To further develop experimental and analytical laboratory skills.
3. To further develop data processing and analysis skills.
4. To further develop problem solving and scientific writing skills.
5. To further develop skills in the use of peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
describe and explain the formation, properties and chemistry of heteroaromatic molecules, organometallic reagents, enolates, alicyclic compounds and free radicals: 1
describe the origin, chemical properties and reactivity of enantiomers, diastereoisomers and conformational isomers: 1
apply the principles of mechanism in organic chemistry to solve problems in organic synthesis: 1
rationalise structure, magnetism, strength of formation and spectroscopic properties of transition metal coordination complexes and organometallic compounds by considering bonding and thermodynamic parameters: 1,2
construct and interpret molecular orbital diagrams: 3
apply laboratory practical skills to prepare organic and inorganic molecules and rationalise the results of experiments through the analysis of complex chemical, numerical and spectroscopic data and information located through database searches: 2
keep an appropriately detailed contemporary laboratory diary recording the procedures, observations and results of experimental work: construct a thorough scientific report displaying professional standards of writing, referencing and presentation in the discipline in the style of a short scientific paper in an academic chemistry journal:
Scheduled teaching hours - 46 hr
Workshops/Tutorials - 16 hr
Laboratory - 36 hr
Independent Study - 202 hr
Description of Module Assessment
1: Exam weighted 65%In-person Open Book Exam - 2.5jrs
Two 2.5h, 100 marks, in-person, invigilated, PC-lab based, open book exams (one in each Semester).
2: Paper weighted 15%Scientific Paper
A report (equivalent to 1500 words) in the format of a short paper for an academic chemistry journal based on one of the laboratory practicals and assessed for data analysis/evaluation, reference to literature and compliance with standards of writing, referencing and presentation in chemistry.
3: Laboratory Book weighted 20%Laboratory Diary
Two completed laboratory diaries (one to be submitted after the conclusion of the practical work in each semester) containing pre-laboratory exercises, COSHH risk assessments, observations, recorded spectra and full data analysis for all laboratory practicals. Equivalent to 2000 words.