CHE-20065 - Physical and Structural Chemistry (Combined Honours)
Coordinator: Martin Hollamby Tel: +44 1782 7 33532
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

Employing a variety of assessment methods, this module introduces students to a range of theoretical models that are able to account for many of the experimentally observed properties of quantum systems, f-block chemistry, electrolyte solutions and the diffraction of x-rays by crystals.

This module aims to:
- develop a depth of knowledge and understanding of advanced physical and structural chemistry topics and concepts, including theoretical models that account for many of the experimentally observed phenomena and properties of a wide range of chemical systems.
- develop problem-solving skills through data retrieval, generation, processing, and analysis.
- develop experimental and analytical laboratory skills
- develop scientific writing and oral communication skills

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

discuss, apply and evaluate theories of electrolyte solutions through problem solving and analysis of experimental data: 1,3
calculate molecular partition functions and selected thermodynamic quantities from physical and spectroscopic data, and interpret their values at the molecular level: 3
account for the reactivity and properties of the f-block elements and their compounds in terms of modern concepts in chemistry: 2,3
discuss, apply and evaluate theoretical models of x-ray diffraction phenomena through problem-solving and analysis of x-ray diffraction data to determine the elementary structures of crystalline materials: 2,3
use advanced features of spreadsheets to manipulate, model and analyse experimental data: 1
describe and explain the principles of quantum mechanics and the Schrodinger equation, and apply these to the predict the behaviour of model atomic and molecular systems: 3
describe and explain the bonding in electron deficient compounds and the application of Wade's rules.: 3
interpret nomenclature and describe the properties and methods of synthesis of main group organometallic compounds.: 3

Study hours

Scheduled Learning/Teaching:
Lectures, assessment briefings, formative assessments and workshops: 40 hrs
Laboratory work: 15 hrs
Independent Study:
Coursework preparation: 44 hrs
Other independent study: 51 hrs

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Coursework weighted 30%
Spreadsheet containing data and analysis for selected semester 1 practicals focussed on electrolyte chemistry (equivalent to 1500 words effort).

2: Oral Exam weighted 15%
Face-to-face interview
15-minute in-person interview (90%) and associated proforma (10%) to focus on the results and their analysis from a practical session focussed on f-block chemistry and X-ray diffraction.

3: Exam weighted 55%
Open book exam - 2.5hrs
An in-person, invigilated, PC-lab based, open book exam of 2.5 hr duration for 100 marks.