CHE-20083 - Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure
Coordinator: Graeme Jones Room: LJ1.34 Tel: +44 1782 7 34173
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module is an essential component of the Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry programmes at Keele and covers the theory and applications of analytical and spectroscopic techniques including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of both organic and inorganic compounds and a large number of related spectroscopic techniques. Laboratory work and data handling exercises build competence at generating and interpreting experimental data, while lectures develop theoretical knowledge of analytical techniques. The range of learning activities is designed to continue progress towards the development of Keele Graduate Attributes with an emphasis on high standards of written communication, and information literacy.

1. To develop, expand upon and connect fundamental principles of spectroscopy and spectroscopic techniques, and their application to organic and inorganic molecules.
2. To develop understanding of fundamental principles of analytical instrumental techniques and their application in analysis of complex samples.
3. To develop understanding of advanced inorganic chemistry topics such as symmetry and its relationship with structure and spectra.
4. To develop problem-solving skills through data retrieval, generation and analysis.
5. To develop experimental and analytical laboratory skills.

Intended Learning Outcomes

describe and explain the theoretical principles behind a variety of analytical techniques including optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the reasons for the observed phenomena: 2
analyse the symmetry properties of molecules using group theory to predict and relate aspects of molecular structure, bonding and spectra: 2
predict and interpret detailed features of spin-1/2 NMR spectra in organic and inorganic molecules and communicate those interpretations in compliance with standards of presentation in chemistry: 1,2
analyse and interpret various types of spectral and analytical data obtained from selected techniques (mass spectrometry� nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy) to determine molecular structures: 1,2
communicate the analysis, interpretation and significance of experimental results in compliance with scientific writing conventions and standards: 1
locate, analyse and apply information from literature, chemical databases, and scientific journal articles: 1

Study hours

Scheduled Learning/Teaching:
Lectures, laboratories, workshops, formative assessments, assessments feedback sessions - 52 hrs
Independent Study:
Independent Study - 98 hrs

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 50%
A portfolio of work equivalent to 2000 words incorporating laboratory work, data analysis, scientific reporting and professional development.

2: Problem Sheets weighted 50%
Assessed Problems
Two sets of problem sheets employing a range of question styles and answer formats, each equivalent to 1000 words. One set will be completed in semester 1 and and the second in semester 2.