Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module equips students with hands-on experience and an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of modern instrument-based analytical techniques and procedures and the skills to apply this knowledge to solve problems and characterise the structures of unknown chemicals and materials.
This module aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of analytical techniques and their applications to solving problems in analytical chemistry and analytical science in general.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Discuss the operating principles, strengths and weaknesses of a range of analytical techniques relevant to chemistry: 1
Critically evaluate selected hyphenated analytical techniques: 2
Evaluate and reflect on the use of an analytical technique (or a combination of techniques) to enhance the identification of an unknown, or to indicate the presence or absence of a compound: 1,2
Develop and critically discuss a strategy to identify an unknown compound in a complex mixture: 1
Evaluate critically the appropriateness of selected analytical techniques and procedures in relation to a given problem: 1
Analyse data and evaluate performance of a range of analytical techniques: 1,2
Acquire and interpret data from analytical techniques widely used in chemistry: 2
Scheduled Teaching Hours:
28 hours lectures/workshops
16 hours practical and data analysis sessions
Independent Learning Hours:
61 hours independent study
45 hours coursework preparation
Description of Module Assessment
1: Case Study weighted 40%2000-word essay
An individually written essay in which students discuss a mode of action to solve a pre-defined chemical problem. This includes full justification of the proposed plan of action.
2: Exercise weighted 60%Series of problem-solving exercises
A small number of problem-based exercises (equivalent to approximately 3000 words as a whole) will be set for students to answer with access to appropriate resources, including analysis of experimental data.