CHE-30047 - Medicinal and Biological Chemistry 2
Coordinator: Theresa R Phillips Room: LJ1.46 Tel: +44 1782 7 33038
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Successful completion of the FHEQ Level 5 module CHE-20027 - Medicinal and Biological Chemistry I or equivalent.

Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

The module follows the pathway of a drug substance through the body, looking at the key areas of pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. This is supported by lectures exploring the mechanisms of action of anti-cancer drug molecules.
The course is taught through lectures and problem classes and will be illustrated with topical case studies highlighting recent developments in the pharmaceutical industry. The collaborative nature of medicinal chemistry is reflected in the use of group work in the coursework assignments, with students working in small teams to prepare oral presentations on different drug classes.

To build on an understanding of the fundamental principles of medicinal chemistry and provide a deeper insight into the mode of action of medicines.
To emphasise that medicinal chemistry builds upon core topics in organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry.
To develop analytical, problem solving and organisational skills.
To develop skills in information retrieval and database / literature searching.
To develop communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a team.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

compare and contrast different pathways by which a drug molecule can enter the body and the different dosage forms available for each route: 1,2
explain the mechanism of action of different classes of drugs and relate the activity and properties of drug molecules with their structure: 1,2
use appropriate database / literature searching tools to retrieve, compile and critically evaluate information: 1,2
plan and execute a programme of work effectively as part of a team: 1
present material compiled from the scientific literature in context and at an appropriate level through the use of slides and verbal communication: 1
rationalise the body�s interaction with drug molecules through the application of pharmacokinetic concepts and mechanistic explanations of metabolism: 1,2

Study hours

Lectures and problem classes: 12 hours
Mini-symposia: 12 hours
Coursework support sessions: 6 hours
Independent study and assessment prep: 120 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 60%
Drug Action Portfolio
A portfolio equivalent to 3000 words of oral and written coursework tasks exploring the medicinal chemistry of drugs selected from different classes. Students will be assessed on the quality of the presented information, prepared materials and their delivery.

2: Coursework weighted 40%
Open book problem solving and continuous assessment
A mixture of time limited short and long assessment problems employing a range of question styles and answer formats. The student effort is equivalent to that required to prepare for and complete a 75 minute examination.