Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module is compulsory for students on the MChem Medicinal Chemistry programmes and is a 60 credit research project in the broad area of medicinal chemistry. Students will carry out a range of research activities including designing and carrying out experiments, analysing experimental data, surveying relevant literature and comparing results to published work. At the end of the project, students will present their results and analysis in a range of formats including scientific poster presentation, oral examination and a dissertation.
To enhance and further develop students' research skills in the chemical sciences, specifically experimental and instrumental skills, development and selection of appropriate research methodologies, data interpretation and analysis and scientific methods of presentation. To further develop information literacy skills in searching for, selecting and critically evaluating relevant peer-reviewed research literature.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Professionally execute an independent research project in a current area of chemistry research: 1,2
Communicate the findings of an independent research project via a report in the style of an appropriate chemistry journal article: 1
Critically review the literature relevant to a specified area related to the research project: 3
Critically evaluate and discuss research methodologies, results, data analysis and hypotheses related to the research project and the relevant literature orally: 2
Scheduled activities:
Meetings with supervisor 20 hours
Guided independent study:
Independent Research Project 400 hours
Oral Exam 1 hour
Preparation of Dissertation 80 hours
Researching and Preparation of Literature Review 90 hours
Preparation for oral examination 9 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Dissertation weighted 60%Dissertation
A report (equivalent to 10000-15000 words or 60 pages) will be prepared in the style of a research paper including full experimental details, results and detailed analysis of results obtained.
2: Oral Exam weighted 15%Oral examination
1 hour oral examination on the research project to include: the literature background and context for the project; the fundamental science the project is based upon; and the results obtained in the project.
3: Literature Review weighted 25%Literature Review
A comprehensive review (equivalent to 4000 words) of the peer-reviewed literature relating to the background area of the students' project in chemistry conforming to the expected standards of presentation in Chemistry