Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The possible relationships between psychology and crime have generated a significant amount of public interest in recent years (which is manifested in examples such as the proliferation of films, TV programmes and books on issues such as serial murder). This module will explore some of the ways in which psychological perspectives contribute to the day to day operation of Criminal Justice and our engagements with both perpetrators and victims of crime. It will go on to explore some of the ways in which the relationship between crime and psychology may (or may not) live up to expectations influenced by popular representations of psychology and crime.
This module will introduce students to some of the relationships between Crime and Psychology. It will outline the roles that Psychologists play in the Criminal Justice system and the various contributions that psychological perspectives have made to our understanding of crime, criminals and related issues. The module will explore a number of case studies of psychological perspectives in practice in criminology. It will also explore some of the limitations of psychological perspectives in the fields of criminology and criminal justice.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Recognise the relationships between crime and other social problems: 1
Recognise and account for the differences between the actual relationships between crime and psychology and the relationships that feature in popular/public conceptions of crime and psychology.: 1
Make use of research evidence, other data and some basic psychosocial criminological theories in developing arguments and making judgements about criminological issues: 1
Identify and assess the ways in which psychosocial perspectives may contribute to the operation of Criminal Justice and to our understanding of the causes of crime and its impacts: 1
11 hours of lectures
10 hours of tutorials
4 Hours completing the online tasks
125 hours of directed and private study and preparation, including preparation for summative assessment activity.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Online Tasks weighted 100%Set of online tasks to be completed by students. Tasks will cover the content of the module
Students will complete a set of online tasks administered via the KLE, which will feature a range of problems, short answer questions and related activities that will require students to demonstrate breadth of engagement with the topics covered on the module as a whole. The tasks will be made available to students at the start of the Christmas vacation period and will need to be completed by the end of the vacation. The tasks will feature 100 short activities/tasks that will take approximately three-four hours to complete in total, but students are encouraged to focus on completing the tasks correctly rather than quickly, so students have the opportunity to pause the tasks to consult their lecture notes, readings and related module resources. Students will attempt a set of tasks assembled randomly for each student from a bank of activities/tasks/questions.