Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module is concerned with the social history of modern investigative techniques. It will examine the emergence of criminal justice bureaucracies and of detective work as a specialism within them. It will go on to take a critical, sociological look at the development, impact and limitations of a range of technologies - motor vehicles, ICT, psychological and DNA profiling and technologies of regulation and surveillance - in the context of the investigation of crime and criminal justice practice more generally.
To increase students appreciation of a criminological understanding of crime investigation.
To increase students understanding and appreciation of modern investigative techniques.
To enable students to understand and reflect upon how the emergence of criminal justice bureaucracies and detective work impacts upon crime investigation.
To enable students to evaluate the impact and limitations of a range of crime investigation technologies.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Reognise and describe the contributions made by various parties in investigating a criminal event: 1
Recognise and describe the contributions, compexities and limitations of a range of investigatory and evidence-gathering techniques: 1
Recognise and illustrate the impact of processes of social change such as globalisation on crime investigation: 1
Describe the development and current organisation, governance and operation of crime investigation: 1
Recognise and identify the importance of comparative analysis in crime investigation: 1
Identify different representations of crime investigations in the media and by agents of crime control: 1
Recognise the social context in which investigative techniques and practices have emerged and operate: 1
Describe the processes involved in gathering, evaluating and presenting evidence of a criminal event: 1
10 hours lectures
10 hours tutorials
30 hours preparation for and completion of online task assessment.
100 hours personal study, preparatory reading and other work for lectures and seminars
Description of Module Assessment
1: Online Tasks weighted 100%Short answer online tasks.
Students will be set a series of individual online tasks - short answer questions and related activities to be completed by students individually drawing on the content of the module.