Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Cri-10010 Understanding Crime
Cri-10013 Criminal Justice: Process, Policy, Practice
Students taking this module cannot also take SOC-20069 Work, Identities and Skills.
Single Hons Criminology students cannot take SOC-20069
This module is designed for students considering a career in Criminal Justice.
It is a criminology module which builds on criminological knowledge acquired from previous study of the discipline. It provides students with an overview of careers in Criminal Justice and related fields.
It supports students with conducting job searches in the Criminal Justice sector by enabling them to produce appropriate written vocational work (such as identification of skill sets, matching skill sets and experiences to job specifications, writing CVs and covering letters).
It focuses on a core set of transferable skills suitable for range of occupations in criminal justice namely:
Investigative skills (especially investigative interviewing and statement taking);
Dealing with vulnerable clients/supporting victims;
Presentation of written evidence and assessments of clients/offenders;
Appreciating the legislative framework of the Equalities legislation and Data Protection.
Conducting risk assessments.
The module has three overarching aims:
1) To provide an overview of careers in the criminal justice field: Police Force, Community Support Officer, Community Safety Officer, Probation Service, Prison Service, Youth Justice work, Victim Support, Research/Crime Analyst.
2) To develop a set of skills with resonance in a range of occupations in criminal justice namely:
Presentation of evidence (both oral and written)
Identifying stakeholders in Criminal Justice.
Research skills
Group work
3) To enhance students academic, personal and professional development in Criminal Justice by:
a) supporting students in producing written vocational work (such as identification of skill sets, CV, covering letter).
b) facilitating an in-depth understanding of the job application process to assist them in their employment search.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Show an appreciation of the range of careers in criminal justice and typical job specifications for roles in: The police; probation; court services; The Crown Prosecution Service; private legal practice; youth justice; The prison service; Integrated Offender Management; The voluntary sector such as Victims' Support Services: 1
Develop a set of skills with resonance in a range of occupations in criminal justice namely: professional report writing; presentation of evidence; ; supporting victims; working within relevant legislative framework: 1
Produce a variety of written material in different formats and lengths, and for different purposes: 1
Write in a language that is appropriate to criminal justice audiences with clarity in the composition and appropriate language: 1
Write effective CVs and covering letters using conventions and good practice: 1
Prepare effectively for criminal justice related job interviews:
10 hours lectures
10 hours seminars, tutorials and other types of taught sessions. This will include career and skills assessment consultation.
20 hours preparation periods for portfolio
30 hours research activities
80 hours directed and private study
Students must have taken Cri-10010 and Cri-10013 at Level 4.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Portfolio weighted 100%Portfolio consisting of CV, 1 job application cover letters and 1 reflective essay
A CV - 1100 words.
One covering letter (350 words) for a prospective employer in criminal justice.
550 word reflection on a Dragons' Den style activity