Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module introduces the fundamental concepts underlying computer programming together with techniques for applying these using a contemporary programming language. The module will have a strong practical element.
This module will develop the following graduate attributes (numbered as in the DKC web pages):
1. an open and questioning approach to ideas, demonstrating curiosity, independence of thought and the ability to appreciate a range of perspectives on the natural and social worlds
2. an appreciation of the development and value of your chosen subjects of study, awareness of their contexts, the links between them, and awareness of the provisional and dynamic nature of knowledge
4. the ability creatively to solve problems using a range of different approaches and techniques, and to determine which techniques are appropriate for the issue at hand
7. the knowledge, skills, self-confidence and self-awareness actively to pursue your future goals
10. the flexibility to thrive in rapidly changing and uncertain external environments and to update skills and knowledge as circumstances require.
To introduce computer programming concepts using a generic (non-context specific) computer language and to develop problem-solving skills in the frame of computer programming.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Show practical experience of the basic concepts of computer programming.: 1,2,3
Use basic software engineering principles in order to design and implement computer programs.: 3,4
Evaluate the suitability of computer language data and control structures to achieve basic problem-solving.: 2,3,4
Lectures: 22hours (22 1h Lectures)
Practicals: 22 hours (22 1h Practicals)
Tutorials: 4 hours (4 1h Tutorials)
Practical/Tutorial preparation: 36 hours (1h per practical, 3h per tutorial)
Private study: 66 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Exercise weighted 25%First class test to be completed throughout the course of the module.
First class test to be completed throughout the course of the module.
2: Exercise weighted 25%Second class test to be completed throughout the course of the module.
Second class test to be completed throughout the course of the module.
3: Coursework weighted 25%First coursework assignment to be completed throughout the course of the module.
First coursework assignment to be completed throughout the course of the module. Guidance of length will be given.
4: Coursework weighted 25%Second coursework assignment to be completed throughout the course of the module.
Second coursework assignment to be completed throughout the course of the module. Guidance of length will be given.