Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will enable students to actively engage in the e-society with an understanding of the risks that they will encounter and the measures that may be taken to counteract them, as well as help students to acquire a firm understanding of the technologies that underpin today's information society.
The module develops the following Keele Graduate attributes:
1. An open and questioning approach to ideas, demonstrating curiosity, independence of thought and the ability to appreciate a range of perspectives on the natural and social worlds.
2. An appreciation of the development and value of your chosen subjects of study, awareness of their contexts, the links between them, and awareness of the provisional and dynamic nature of knowledge.
4. The ability creatively to solve problems using a range of different approaches and techniques, and to determine which techniques are appropriate for the issue at hand.
5. An appreciation of the social, environmental and global implications of your studies and other activities, including recognition of any ethical implications.
7. The knowledge, skills, self-confidence and self-awareness actively to pursue your future goals.
8. The ability and motivation to participate responsibly and collaboratively as an active citizen in the communities in which you live and work.
10. The flexibility to thrive in rapidly changing and uncertain external environments and to update skills and knowledge as circumstances require."
To enable students to actively engage in the e-society with an understanding of the risks that they will encounter and the measures that may be taken to counteract them.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify the major types of cyber-crime and implement counter-measures to protect against them: 1
describe and discuss the law relating to the major forms of cyber-crime: 1
identify and describe the technologies and processes that underpin today's information infrastructure: 1
use tools related to digital evidence gathering: 1
20 hours Lectures
20 hours Practical Classes
108 hours Private Study
2 hour online open book examination
Description of Module Assessment
1: Unseen Exam weighted 100%Online open book exam
The paper will be released on KLE at 9am on the morning of the exam. Work will be submitted to Turnitin no later than 5pm on the day of release.
Answer 2 questions from 3.
Although students have been given significant time to complete this exam script, we expect most students to spend no more than 2 hrs. Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible.
All questions will focus on problem solving skills and/or essay based questions which are better suited to online open book exams. For essay-based questions, typical answers would be in the range of 500-750 words per question. We recommend that students do not exceed 750 words per essay-based question as we will be assessing the quality of answer, not the quantity.