Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module provides students with the opportunity to revise and consolidate key numerical and computational skills that are required for the data science degree programme. It begins with a consideration of the main numerical operations, including fractions and decimal values and the representation of these to a required level of accuracy. This is followed by a study of the formulation and manipulation of equations. The remainder of the module covers the concepts of mathematical functions, their manipulation and the representation in graphical form.
To provide students with study of mathematics necessary for a Data Science degree. This will include topics such as:- arithmetic operations on numbers, fractions and percentages, specifying numbers to a required level of accuracy, algebra, functions, straight line graphs, logarithms and exponential values.
Intended Learning Outcomes
manipulate and compare numbers, expressions and linear equations;
: 1
solve and analyse problems using functional notation and concepts;: 1
draw and design straight-line graphs, represent straight-lines as equations and be able to select appropriate formulae in order to do so;: 1
compare and contrast techniques to solve simultaneous linear equations and quadratic equations including those involving inequalities;: 1
calculate quantities to an appropriate degree of accuracy.: 1
12 one hour lectures (delivered online)
8 one hour tutorials during block release
10 one hour online problem activities
2 hour class test
118 hours private study and revision
Description of Module Assessment
1: Class Test weighted 100%2 hour class test
A two hour controlled conditions class test, conducted during the residential period with a core compulsory section and a section offering an element of choice of questions .