Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
To introduce learners to databases and database management systems by providing theoretical knowledge and practical experience in data modelling, database design, implementation and administration.
Intended Learning Outcomes
describe and advise upon the benefits and characteristics of database models and database management systems (DBMS) and the importance of data independence: 1
determine whether a given relational database is well designed (ie. meets BCNF criteria) and transform a schema into BCNF: 1
create and query a relational database using command level SQL: 1
describe and advise upon the important aspects of a database implementation, operation and maintenance: 1
use data modelling techniques for the design of databases: 1
show awareness and knowledge of other types of database interfaces: 1
distinguish the important characteristics of the relational model for the purposes of developing relational databases: 1
16 hours practical work (supported online and in block release)
6 hours tutorials/workshops (supported online and in block release)
16 hours online lectures
112 hours Independent study/coursework
Description of Module Assessment
1: Coursework weighted 100%Practical assessment of database development
Design and implementation of a small database based on a relevant case study. Along with the database, schema and code. Learners will submit a technical report describing the features implemented, evaluating the design choices made and commenting on areas such as data independence. The technical report is approximately 2000 words.