Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module delivers knowledge of C++ programming (the primary language used in the games industry) and the types of computer architectures used in common gaming platforms. It goes on to introduce common physics and graphics middleware used for game development and scientific simulation. In addition, theoretical perspectives on games design are explored.
These topics are investigated through lectures, guided practical exercises and independent study, and the module assessment brings this together through a technical class test and a practical task to design and build a game prototype or component.
The module provides valuable transferable skills in a new programming language and the use of third-party components as well as encouraging critical thinking, and provides a solid foundation for entry-level roles in the games industry. Beyond this, the module content is applicable to those seeking careers in computing research, high-performance computing, graphics, security and other highly technical roles.
The aims of this module are:
* to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to write programs, exploit modern computer architectures, and use game-related APIs and middleware in the C++ language;
* to provide students with practical experience of building a game or game component;
* to provide students with an introduction to theoretical approaches to games design based in literature.
Intended Learning Outcomes
undertake creative programming on modern computer architectures using the C++ language in a gaming context: 1
evaluate and use third-party libraries to build games or game components: 1
apply theoretical principles of games design in a practical context:
20 hours Lectures
65 hours Coursework Preparation
65 hours Private Study (including guided practical exercises, reading, and programming practice).
CSC-10024 - Programming 1
CSC-10033 Systems and Architecture
Plus any one or more of:
CSC-20021 - Web Technologies
CSC-20004 - Advanced Programming Practices
CSC-20037 - Programming 2
Description of Module Assessment
1: Computer Task weighted 100%Design and develop a computer game component (equivalent to 5000 words)
Students design and develop a computer game component or prototype using the technologies studied over the course of the module. Marks are awarded as follows:
1) A written proposal that makes reference to the theory of games design and the technical features of the technologies that support their game idea [40%]
2) The implementation of those ideas in a computer program [50%]
3) A description and reflective evaluation of the completed work [10%]