CSC-30027 - Computational and Artificial Intelligence II
Coordinator: Alastair Channon Room: CR035 Tel: +44 1782 7 34270
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733075

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective





CSC-20043 Computational and Artificial Intelligence I or CSC-20023 Computational Intelligence I

Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module will expand on the range of computational intelligence (CI) themes, and complementary Artificial Intelligence topics, introduced earlier in the degree. Importantly, the module will allow students to explore in greater depth, selected research-led topics at the forefront of current thinking in the rapidly evolving CI field. Students that successfully complete this module can potentially pursue further research in industry or in education (e.g. as an MSc or PhD student).

The aim of the module is to build on 'Computational and Artificial Intelligence I' by covering more advanced and research-led computational intelligence topics, as well as complementary artificial intelligence topics including search and reasoning algorithms.

Intended Learning Outcomes

appraise contemporary computational and/or artificial intelligence research: 1,2
evaluate computational intelligence techniques; and assess their suitability in different applications: 2
apply computational and/or artificial intelligence techniques: 2

Study hours

9 hours lectures
9 hours seminars
36 hours seminar preparation
16 hours coursework preparation (for seminar presentation)
78 hours private study
2 hours examination

School Rules

CSC-20043 Computational and Artificial Intelligence I or CSC-20023 Computational Intelligence I

Description of Module Assessment

1: Coursework weighted 30%
Seminar presentation
Group seminar presentation (approximately 50 minutes) on a research-led topic from the current literature. Presentations include questions and answers. Students receive immediate feedback. Each student then individually updates their presentation based on this feedback and submits this individual update. Students are marked on the final submission, not their presentation.

2: Open Book Examination weighted 70%
Exam - 2 hours
End of semester examination containing a compulsory seen question (question 1, requesting a novel idea for a research proposal), and two unseen questions. Answer question 1 and either question 2 or question 3.