Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Intelligent systems are increasingly present in our life, including the home and industrial environments. These systems include intelligent household appliances, wearable computing devices (e.g. health and fitness monitors), computers, sensor networks in cars, buildings, and complex engines, and so on. Coordinated control of distributed intelligent systems is a current challenge and it is critical for optimal harnessing of the benefits of intelligent systems that surround us. This module prepares the student to understand how to analyse and design distributed intelligent systems, to develop software programs that can control and coordinate in a meaningful way such systems, and to develop applications of such systems to solve practical problems.
The module develops the following Keele Graduate attributes:
1. An open and questioning approach to ideas, demonstrating curiosity, independence of thought and the ability to appreciate a range of perspectives on the natural and social worlds.
2. An appreciation of the development and value of your chosen subjects of study, awareness of their contexts, the links between them, and awareness of the provisional and dynamic nature of knowledge.
3. Information literacy: the ability to locate, evaluate and synthesise large amounts of frequently conflicting information, ideas and data.
4. The ability to creatively solve problems using a range of different approaches and techniques, and to determine which techniques are appropriate for the issue at hand.
5. An appreciation of the social, environmental and global implications of your studies and other activities, including recognition of any ethical implications.
6. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively in written and verbal forms for different purposes and to a variety of audiences.
7. The knowledge, skills, self-confidence and self-awareness actively to pursue your future goals.
8. The ability and motivation to participate responsibly and collaboratively as an active citizen in the communities in which you live and work.
9. A professional and reflective approach, including qualities of leadership, responsibility, personal integrity, empathy, care and respect for others, accountability and self-regulation.
10. The flexibility to thrive in rapidly changing and uncertain external environments and to update skills and knowledge as circumstances require.
The module will provide students with ability to evaluate and design intelligent systems involving the integration and coordination of multiple intelligent systems. The considered intelligent systems may include for example vehicles, robots or home appliances equipped with artificial intelligence based control devices or the software implementation of such artificial intelligence based control devices.
Intended Learning Outcomes
state, apply and critically evaluate the principles of control of intelligent systems: 2
develop and critically assess software applications that can control individual and distributed intelligent systems: 1,2
critically evaluate options for the design and coordination of distributed intelligent systems to meet a defined set of requirements and to create such systems: 1,2
state, apply and critically evaluate the principles of programming intelligent systems in the context of an advanced programming language: 1,2
24 hours lectures;
12 hours practicals;
12 hours tutorials;
2 hours exam;
100 hours independent study
Description of Module Assessment
1: Coursework weighted 40%Development of control application for distributed intelligent systems
The coursework will be about the development of a program in an advanced programming language for the control of distributed intelligent systems with the aim to coordinate the activity and behavior of these intelligent systems.
2: Open Book Examination weighted 60%Online open-book exam
The exam will cover all topics addressed in the lectures. This exam will have short-answer questions focusing on theoretical as well as problem-solving skills learned in the module. The exam will have three questions and candidates are asked to attempt all three questions. The paper will be released on the KLE as a Word document on the morning of the Exam and should be completed within 24 hours. Students should answer each question using Word, clearly labelling each question as they provide their answers. Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible.
Although students have been given a significant amount of time to complete this exam paper, we expect most students to complete the exam in about 2 hours. International students will be asked to notify the School if they need an extension due to different time zones.