Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The British and Global Economy module provides an introduction to developments in the global economy from an historical perspective.
The module examines how capitalist industrial economies developed from the industrial revolution in Britain and elsewhere.
The module also explores the development of the international economy in the 20th century, exploring the Great Depression in the inter-war years, growth and development after World War II, globalisation and the emergence of the newly industrialised economies, and crises.
As an introduction to the module students are encourage to read:
Allen, R (2011) Global Economic History: A very short introduction, Oxford: OUP.
The British and Global Economy module provides an introduction to developments in the global economy from an historical perspective.
The module examines how capitalist industrial economies developed from the industrial revolution in Britain and elsewhere.
The module also explores the development of the international economy in the 20th century, exploring themes that include (indicatively) the emergence of the newly industrialised economies, the Great Depression in the inter-war years, and growth and development after World War II.
Intended Learning Outcomes
analyse the growth and decline of international economic activity and the experience of countries other than those that participated in the 'first wave of industrial revolution', particularly those outside Europe: 1
describe the post World War II era of development across the world economy: 1
combine different sources within an assessment and identify the correct ways to reference sources: explain the factors that created the industrial revolution in Britain and elsewhere:
20 hours lectures
4 hours tutorial contact time
36 hours private study - tutorial preparation
40 hours of independent study
48 hours of revision and exam preparation
2 hours exam
Description of Module Assessment
1: Open Book Examination weighted 100%Take-away Exam
This assessment is a take-away exam which will be available on KLE for 24-hours. Although students are given significant time to complete this exam script, we expect students to spend no more than 2 hours to complete and submit their answers via Turnitin (with a maximum of 2000 words).