Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
ECO-10029 Introductory Macroeconomics
This module is designed to provide students with an understanding of advanced macroeconomic theories, analytical approaches and empirical evidence and their implications for macroeconomic policy. These ideas will be developed in the context of key macroeconomic policy problems such as the business cycles and effectiveness of stabilization policy, the time inconsistency problem and its implications for monetary policy in its quest for low inflation, unemployment and the appropriate labour market institutional features, the effectiveness of fiscal policy and the constraints faced when sound public finances are to be maintained, and the questions related to and the main theoretical approaches to long-term growth of output and living standards.
The module will analyse the significance of macroeconomic dynamics and their implications for macroeconomic modelling and policy formulation.
Intended Learning Outcomes
recognise, interpret and evaluate theories, concepts and empirical research at the forefront of macroeconomics: 1,2
identify key macroeconomic phenomena in need analysis and become critically familiar with a variety of theoretical approaches, models and analytical methods that have been proposed as explanations of these phenomena: 1,2
explain economic principles that can be used to design, guide and evaluate economic policy: 1,2
20 hours lectures
4 hours tutorials
36 hours coursework preparation
88 hours independent study
2 hour exam
Description of Module Assessment
1: Open Book Examination weighted 60%Online take-away exam
Assessment 1 is a take-away exam which will be available on KLE for 28-hours for students to answer and submit the answer via Turnitin. We expect most students to spend no more than 3 hours on this exam. Maximum length of the answer is 1800 words.
2: Essay weighted 40%1200 word individual essay
Analysing in depth a specific question. The answer should include fully explained diagrams and models where appropriate