EDU-20029 - Education placement
Coordinator: Mathew Barnard Tel: +44 1782 7 34231
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Priority will be given to students who have completed, or will be completing by the end of Year 1, the Year 1 core/compulsory educational studies modules: Understanding Learning and Education in Britain or comparable modules in the case of incoming study abroad/international exchange students

Barred Combinations

In the first instance, priority will be given to students who are taking Educational Studies as a dual honours or major degree subject and to incoming study abroad/international students taking education as part of their degree programme

Description for 2022/23

This module is designed to enable students to gain work-based experience in an educational context and to reflect, in a theoretically informed way on a range of educational themes including: how children learn; how teachers teach; how schools are organised and managed. Students will also reflect on their own emerging professional capabilities and attributes and career plans.
The module offers students who are thinking of a teaching career in either primary or secondary education, an opportunity to gain valuable work-based experience in educational settings across a number of age ranges. Types of schools to be used will include nursery, primary, secondary, both 11-16 and 11-18, and special. Every attempt will be made to use placements situated within the Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme areas.
In the first part of the module (Keele-based) students will attend three 2-hour workshops during which they will be introduced to key issues and theories and perspectives relevant to their education placement. It is aspects of these theoretical perspectives that they will be expected to critically evaluate the application of within the classroom.
Following the introductory workshops students will spend 8 days (either as part of consecutive weeks or half or full days per week) - equivalent to 70 hours - in a number of educational settings organised by Keele University. The placements will involve observation of teaching sessions and where appropriate, being engaged in supporting the work of teachers.
Students will need to apply for, and will be interviewed for, a place on the module. If applying for semester 1 in Year 2 they should apply at the end of semester 1 in year 1. If applying for semester 2 in Year 2 they should apply at the end of semester 2 in year 1.
To apply for the module students will need to submit a CV and a written proposal outlining why they should be allocated a place on the module. Accepted students will need to arrange, at personal cost, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (or equivalent `certificate� for study abroad/international students) prior to the start of the module, the current cost of a DBS check is (currently) �44, and will be responsible for any travel cost related to school placements.
Priority will be given to students who take Educational Studies as a Major or Dual Honours degree subject. Incoming study abroad/international students may also be permitted to take the module, but will however be subject to the application timeline as outlined above.
Places are however limited and will only be allocated to students who are able to demonstrate the following:
� Familiarity with current educational issues and debates (essential)
� Evidence of capacity to work as a team member (essential)
� Have completed the core Educational Studies modules Understanding Learning and Education in Britain or equivalent modules on educational learning and education policy and practice (desirable)
� have completed at least one Educational Studies elective module or equivalent modules on childhood or the history of education (desirable)
� Previous engagement with educational settings (desirable)
� Satisfactory performance at interview (essential)
� a reference attesting to ability of students to act professionally in a work place situation (essential)
Any offer of a place will be subject to a completed DBS enhanced disclosure (or equivalent certificate for international/study abroad students) which is deemed satisfactory by the University.

� To enable students to make connections between theoretical knowledge/academic perspectives on education and the processes/practices/policies that exist in educational work environments;
� To enable students to experience, recognise and develop skills, attributes and professional capabilities that are valued in the educational workplace;
� To enhance graduate employability and students' ability to plan their career path
� To enable students to recognise and map their own learning against the graduate attributes listed in the Keele Distinctive Curriculum

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

make meaningful connections between the knowledge acquired as part of the Educational Studies degree programme and the professional contexts and processes in the education workplace: 1
evaluate personal learning gained from an educational work-based learning experience
: 1
understand the professional qualities expected of teachers in the education workplace
: 1
apply in detail, academic theory to an area of educational policy/practice: 1
systematically record teaching observations and make reflections on these drawing on academic theory: 1

Study hours

9 Hours Keele-based teaching (6 hours introductory sessions; 1 hour supervision/meetings with Keele-based placement supervisor; 2 hour assessment workshop;
70 hours placement; spread over 8 placement days
35 hours guided independent study; related to introductory sessions and preparation for school placements
36 hours preparation of evidence gathering and reflective analysis; 10 hours review of observation proformas completed during placements and preparation of evidence gathering, 26 hours preparation and writing of reflective analysis.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Reflective Analysis weighted 100%
A reflective analysis of the education placement linking academic theory to educational practice (2000 words)
A reflective analysis of the education placements linking academic theory to educational practice (2000 words) that refers to and references to their placement appendices. Students will be asked to focus in depth on one of the themes covered in weeks 1-3 of the module but to make connections between theory learnt as part of the Educational Studies degree and observations of teaching, learning and school organisation.