Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
To give students a greater understanding of how literature has developed from the Renaissance to the present day
To give students a greater sense of the relationship between literature and its historical contexts
To familiarise students with some of the most important critical and theoretical approaches to literary works
To develop students� ability to analyse texts in detail, using a variety of approaches
To develop students� ability to formulate arguments both orally and on paper
Intended Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate the ability to formulate arguments in both written and verbal form: 1,2,3
Demonstrate the ability to analyse texts in detail, using a variety of approaches: 1,2,3
Show an understanding of the role played by historical context in literary analysis: 1,2,3
Show an understanding of how literary theory can illuminate literary texts: 2,3
Articulate some of the key concepts in a range of literary theory: 2,3
Work constructively with others, weighing up differing or opposing critical positions and articulating a clear assessment of them: 2
24 hours: Lectures
24 hours: Workshops
24 hours: Small group classes
158 hours: Seminar preparation and private study
10 hours: Group presentation reading and preparation
60 hours: Essay research and writing (30 per essay)
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 30%1500-word essay
A 1500-word essay on texts studied in semester 1, showing awareness of the significance of historical context. Students will choose from a list of c. 10 essay questions.
2: Group Presentation weighted 20%Group presentation
In groups of two or three, students will give a 15-minute presentation designed to introduce a specific literary theory, explaining the theory's key ideas and debates and showing how it might be applied to a literary text or texts. The group will receive a single mark.
3: Essay weighted 50%Essay
Students will write a 2000-word essay, analysing one or two of the module's set texts in the light of a chosen literary theory. This assessment will take place at the end of semester 2. A list of c. 10 questions to choose from will be supplied.