ENG-20055 - Work Placement for Humanities Students
Coordinator: Rachel Adcock Tel: +44 1782 7 33144
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module is designed to give students studying Humanities subjects the opportunity to contribute to the world beyond the University, in any workplace where the research, analytical, and communication skills developed as part of a Humanities degree can be used. The chosen workplace may be, for example, a local museum, theatre, charity, library, school or education provider, marketing company, PR firm, local newspaper, local radio, or another suitable opportunity identified by the student and approved by the module leader. While on the placement, students will produce a portfolio reflecting on and giving evidence of the activities/outputs completed at their chosen workplace. These may include, for example, researching and producing materials advertising or supporting current or proposed exhibits or performances, researching and producing written or audio pieces, and/or planning small-group educational activities on Humanities-related topics. Advice will be given on identifying and contacting placements and composing a CV in semester 1, and support will be provided throughout the placement, which will usually take place in semester 2. Through this module students will obtain crucial first-hand experience of applying for a position and working in an environment where they can utilise the skills developed on their degree, developing their employability for when they leave Keele. They should also enjoy sharing their skills and knowledge with people outside of the university and making a personal contribution to their chosen workplace.
Students should note that this is a year-long (i.e. Semester 1-2) 15 credit module, but with the bulk of the work (including most of the assessment) undertaken in semester 2. Therefore, all students choosing this module should select ENG-20055 in addition to four other 15 credit modules in semester 1. You will then select three modules (45 credits) in semester 2. This will produce the correct total credits of 120 across the year and provide a proper balance to your workload. This arrangement also ensures that, in the extremely unlikely event of failing to find a satisfactory placement by January, you will then be able to withdraw from ENG-20055 and opt in to another 15-credit module by way of replacement for the second semester.

This module aims to
- enhance the career knowledge and employability of students studying Humanities subjects;
- support students in effectively researching and applying for employment roles;
- provide students with first-hand experience of the day-to-day operations of a relevant working environment, including developing their ability to work co-operatively and productively with others;
- encourage Humanities students to apply and reflect on the range of degree-relevant skills in a broader work context;
- develop students� capacity to construct and carry through independent tasks/projects;
- increase students� knowledge of and familiarity with the University Careers Service.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Reflect upon and convey their experiences and (subject-specific) skills developed through their education and additional experiences in order to be effective in securing additional work experience and employment or further study: 1,2,3
Understand the variety of ways in which skills developed during the study of Humanities subjects can be deployed in non-academic contexts: 1,2,3
Understand the aims and priorities, and possible limitations, of an external organisation and design and complete effective activities/projects/materials that support these: 2,3
Assess their own strengths and weaknesses in an employment context and reflect on their progress through the module: 1,2,3
Work flexibly, reliably, and cooperatively with others: 3
Articulate their placement experiences effectively and reflect on their enhanced skill set in front of an audience, utilising visual aids: 2

Study hours

Semester 1: 10 hours formal teaching (workshops); 1 hour (individual meeting(s) with discipline lead)
Semester 2: 75 hours of placement; 2 hours formal teaching (1 x 2-hour workshop assessment preparation); 2 hours assessment session (2-hour presentation session with others from subject area); 1 hour (individual meeting(s) with discipline lead)
Preparation and applying for placement (including assessment 1): 16 hours
Preparation for Presentation (Assessment 2): 13 hours
Preparation for Portfolio (Assessment 3): 30 hours

School Rules

Cap module at 12 students per discipline area:
e.g. English, EALs, Film (12); History, American Studies (12); Media, Film (12) = 36 students.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 20%
Placement Plan
Students will submit a CV and any other application materials used to secure their placement, and a placement plan completed after a conversation with their placement supervisor stating ILOs and expectations. This enables the module convenor to assess the suitability of the placement and make a decision about students' continuance on the module. This assessment should be handed in and marked by the end of semester one.

2: Presentation weighted 30%
Individual Presentation
Students will deliver a ten-minute individual presentation which will be delivered to their subject group and assessed by the subject lead/module convenor. This will either be at the end, or towards the end of their placement, towards the end of semester 2. Students will summarise their activities and critically reflect on the challenges they faced and will be asked constructive questions to help push their reflections further.

3: Portfolio weighted 50%
Portfolio including critically reflective essay and final CV
Students will submit a 500-word summary of activities completed on placement; any evidence of these activities (e.g. written work, lesson plans, photographs, promotional materials etc); a 2,000-word critical reflection focusing on a critical incident (which could focus on approaches to a particular workplace challenge (a task, project, situation etc), and/or on the importance of Humanities skills in the workplace). The portfolio is intended to be presented so that it can be shown to a potential employer in future, and should also include a placement provider report and attendance record (included in the module handbook). A final CV, responding to feedback from Assessment 1, should also be included.