Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module aims to develop an appreciation and understanding of both the general study skills and subject-specific practical skills required in the study and practice of Geography, Geology and the Environment, including fieldwork. These include such transferable skills as writing skills, ethics, communication skills, and health and safety as well as practical skills such as information acquisition; techniques of data capture, manipulation, analysis, and visualization; cartographic representation; and field observation and interpretation. Depending on each student's degree route and personal preferences there are core and optional sessions where different skills are covered.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
recognise the essential characteristics of data and evaluate alternative sources of information including library and electronic resources: 1,2
describe, evaluate and use a range of specialised techniques and a variety of computer software packages for the management, manipulation and visualisation of information and spatial data: 1,2
correctly select and apply an appropriate statistical test to a variety of different problems: 1,2
work effectively to complete set tasks within the framework of good professional conduct set out in the course materials, including a professional and reflective approach, responsibility, personal integrity, respect for others, ethics, safety, accountability and self-regulation: 1,2
apply appropriate techniques of topographic, geological, environmental and social survey to capture information in the field and put into practice analytical and presentation skills already learned in the laboratory: 1,2
Will vary depending on the options chosen by student, but typically:
- Practical sessions: 42h
- Fieldwork: 42h
- Independent study: 66h (including 26h of online courses)
Description of Module Assessment
1: Class Test weighted 50%Practical Reflection
Students will need to complete computer based tests that will cover all core and mandatory sessions of their degree route.
Questions will include, but not be limited to, identifying key concepts, solving spatial problems or performing mathematical operations. The test consists of a variety of question types, including, but not limited to, MCQ, short answer, fill in the gap or ordering questions.
2: Practice Based Assessment weighted 50%Fieldwork Portfolio
Students will be expected to complete a portfolio of topics covered during their time on the field. They will be expected to show their awareness of the local environment and to work with data captured by them during their fieldwork. Outputs will vary depending on the trip they attend, but can include maps, diagrams, analyses, observations, and written annotations.
3: Competence weighted 0%Pass/Fail components
All students are required to complete some components of the module that, while they are not assessed with a mark, are of paramount importance for the module and their degree. An example is Health and Safety, as the module includes fieldwork and for the students' wellbeing they must complete the component.