Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
In an increasingly competitive job market, employers are seeking to recruit employees who have high-level knowledge, skills and an understanding of the workplace. This module allows students to gain understanding and work relevant experiences through a variety of resources, learning content, placements and scenarios. It allows students to synthesise new knowledge and reflect upon this in the context of future career options, and gain the necessary tools and experience to support their graduate journey.
The aim of the module is to enable Geography, Geology and Environment students to gain an understanding of the workplace through a selection of appropriate activities, which may include sector research, developing employability portfolios, project-based learning, work-related student consultancy, virtual placements, face-to-face placements, outreach activities and research opportunities.
Students will choose to complete either a reflective report or an employability portfolio, depending on their employer engagement activities throughout the year. These assessments will help students reflect on the key skills needed in the sector and equip them with the elements of career development and management they need to support career decision-making. This will incorporate reflective practice and activities designed to inform and prepare them for future recruitment processes.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Develop an understanding of the workplace in a chosen sector, context and/or with reference to academic discipline
: 1
Explain what skills are needed to develop their career within their chosen sector, carry out a personal skills audit to identify skills gaps and create an action plan to acquire those skills: 1
Develop resources to present a suitable candidate identity for a specific sector, graduate career or profession: 1
Discuss the importance of developing and maintaining professional networks: 1
Demonstrate a critical awareness of their knowledge (including academic theory), skills and strengths in relation to employability through research and reflective practice: 1
Whilst there is no minimum hours set for placements (to allow students access to a range of opportunities) we would expect students to spend around 55-75 hrs engaging in employer engagement activities. Students carrying out desk-based research should spend a similar amount of time on their employer engagement activities.
The approximate breakdown of the module is:
- 8 x 2 hr workshops
- 4 x 1 hours drop-in clinics.
- 130 hours employer engagement activities and independent research/assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Reflective Analysis weighted 100% Reflection on employer engagement activities
A reflective analysis of employer engagement activities carried out by the student. The structure of the reflective analysis is dependent on the pathway taken on the employability module.
A) Students who engaged in placement activities will complete a 3,000 word reflective report on the employability experience, discussing activities and experiences on the placement, and reflecting on the skills gained from the employability module and how these contribute to an updated Skills Audit. Students will comment on future actions plans (including networking plans) and discuss how they will continue to develop their employability.
Important: All students undertaking an external placement as part of the module must submit a completed, signed and approved Placement Learning Agreement, and Placement Health and Safety form, at least 2 weeks prior to the start date of the placement. If the placement goes ahead without approval, the placement will be cancelled and students will receive a mark of 0 for Assessment A.
B) Students who do not undertake a placement will instead complete an Employability Portfolio that contains the following:
i) Analysis of the employment sector for their discipline area and appraisal of the skills required in a chosen professional/graduate job role and sector (~ 1,000 words);
ii) A critical reflection on a personal Skills Audit and SWOT analysis (~1,500);
iii) A personal action plan for acquisition of the key skills identified as being needed in the sector. This should be framed as intended learning outcomes and should identify opportunities for development (~1,000 words);
iv) a CV and Covering Letter that targets a specific employment or further education opportunity.
Indicative limit ~4,500 words.
The difference in word weighting reflects the number of hours spent across the different employer engagement activities. Students not taking a placement should be expected to spend more time doing desk-based research which is reflected in the word count.