Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The fundamental principles, applications and issues of near-surface site problems and their potential geophysical field solutions will be developed. Field-based practical classes will develop an understanding of near-surface geophysical exploration techniques, with associated laboratory elements of data processing and interpretation that will aid students� understanding of practical solutions. Geophysical tendering of commercial jobs will also be introduced.
This module aims to introduce key concepts in near-surface geophysics through both theory & practice. These also include surveying, digital data integration and analysis, and geophysical survey tendering.
Intended Learning Outcomes
acquire, process, integrate and analyse geophysical and survey datasets: 1
design an appropriate geophysical survey for common environmental or geotechnical site investigations: 1,2
create a geophysical tender for an environmental or geotechnical investigation: 2
Lectures: 24h
Practicals: 36h
Independent study: 90
Description of Module Assessment
1: Practice Based Assessment weighted 50%Practicals
Individual 2,500 word submission of 5 practical exercises
2: Group Report weighted 50%Geophysical tender report
Group (4-5)-based 2,500 word report to geophysical tender for investigation of an environmental or geotechnical site investigation