Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module integrates field skills with structural geology, geophysics, GIS, Surveying, and lab-based data analysis techniques that augment field skills. Students will learn the skills necessary to plan for field projects, including logistics and Health & Safety , literature and data review, and analysis of remotely gathered datasets such as Google Earth and satellite data. Students learn core field skills that are an integral part of the subject, along with knowledge on how to apply them, and the modern lab-based methods that augment fieldwork and with which field data may be analysed, including GIS, photogrammetry and virtual 3D modelling.
Emphasis is placed strongly upon field skills and fieldwork, with the teaching of other components integrated into the aims and assessments of one of more of the key Level 5 field courses (that are part of this module) in order to demonstrate techniques of pre-fieldwork planning or post-fieldwork data analysis. In this way, the module provides students with experience of the necessary field skills for Geology/Geoscience and experience of a range of laboratory skills in the context of how they may be used to full effect to support field based research. In so doing, the module equips and prepares students for their own Level 6 independent research projects, irrespective of pathway. The teaching approach follows that advocated by the commercial sector, and the strong emphasis on field based skills and teaching is in response to the clearly stated needs of employers and funders of academic research in geology.
To introduce and provide experience of the key field skills required of geologists and geoscientists; to introduce and provide experience of modern lab-based data analysis techniques, as well as structural geological and geophysical techniques for data analyses, in the context of the field skills they augment; to provide experience in the use of field skills to interpret the development of geological settings that can not be experienced in the UK as well as those that can; to prepare students with appropriate background knowledge to plan and execute their Level 6 independent research project for their chosen pathway, source relevant literature, and communicate their results though written reports, maps, standard diagrams and data analyses.
Intended Learning Outcomes
record, interpret and analyse observations and measurements of geological features and phenomena whilst in the field, using a range of standard field skills.: 1,2
work efficiently as a member of a team and contribute to the presentation of a team project.: 2
design an independent field-based research project, including project planning, logistics, H&S, the application of appropriate pre- and post-fieldwork data analysis techniques and source and review published material on a geoscience topic.: 3
demonstrate the application of geological analyses to the interpretation of field data.: 1,2
demonstrate the application of modern lab-based techniques of GIS, digital mapping, photogrammetry and remotely sensed data interpretation to the analysis of field data to augment field analyses.: 1,2,3
integrate strands of geology studied at Levels 4 and 5, and relate them to the evolution of major geo-tectonic provinces, including those that can not be experienced within the UK.: 1,2,3
field course study hours 70
Lectures 24
Labs 36
Private study 20
This module contains two field major residential field courses for which contact/teaching time with staff is, by the very nature of field courses, high if the courses are to be both time-efficient and financially efficient. The study loads that the field courses place upon students is compensated by a much reduced expectation of private study hours during the remainder of the course.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Report weighted 40%Field mapping report (UK field course)
Written report of 2000 words length including associated field maps, notebooks and analyses.
2: Portfolio weighted 45%Field skills related assessments (Overseas field courses)
Portfolio of field exercises and presentation materials that demonstrate the application of core field skills, augmented by lab-based analyses, to interpret field data. Exercises include individual exercises and contributions to field-based group presentation on a group-researched aspect of the field geology.
3: Report weighted 15%Level 6 independent project preparation
1800 word literature synthesis on the student's Level 6 Independent Research Project.