Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will explore and evaluate the significance of gendered representation in film focusing specifically on theories of gendered spectatorship, voyeurism and the dis/pleasure of looking. Students will be introduced to a number of significant theorists such as Laura Mulvey, Richard Dyer and Judith Butler in order to gain an understanding of gender as a cultural and social construction (differentiated from biological `sex�) and influenced by political movements such as feminism. Students will consider if, how and to what extent notions of gender are culturally determined. In addition, they will consider the complexities associated with representations of gender on-screen and study how filmic audiences have traditionally identified with specific gender positions leading to a consideration of notions of subjectivity and objectivity in film spectatorship. Via analysis of a range of films which may include Double Indemnity (1944), Vertigo (1958), and Cape Fear (1991) and Magic Mike (2012), this module will explore the ways in which gender representations are negotiated over time, examining works from Hollywood, independent film and European cinema.
Through theoretical and illustrative lectures and contextualised screenings, this module will allow students to explore the ways in which notions of self are linked to social and cultural representations of gender on-screen. Students will question gender identities on-screen as representations that may shape and organise the ways in which we see and find pleasure in seeing.
-to explore how filmic theories relate to constructions and conceptions of gender;
-to critically analyse the representation of gender in relation to constructions of identity, sexuality and race;
-to enable students to explore the ways in which these areas relate to socialisation;
-to critically analyse representations of gender and sexuality through close analysis of specific filmic texts.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
explain theoretical concepts in relation to representations of gender on-screen and apply them to selected filmic texts: 1,2
describe and analyse a range of visual texts that represent and negotiate gender identities in various ways: 2
apply cross-cultural and inter-textual methods of reading film, taking into account different theoretical and ideological approaches to gender: 1,2
outline and critically assess at least one model of film spectatorship: 1,2
evaluate how gender discourse, representations and spectatorship relate to social and material practice: 1,2
12 hours lectures
11 hours seminars
39 hours seminar preparation
60 hours assessment preparation
28 hours film viewing
Description of Module Assessment
1: Commentary weighted 30%Close analysis of a scene from a film studied on the module
Create a poster that illustrate (using words and film stills) the concepts behind one of the readings covered on the course.
2: Essay weighted 70%Formal essay
A close analysis of a film or two films (both the aesthetics and the potential politics) written as an essay of 2000 words.