Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Are economic development and environmental concerns always opposed? Why doesn't environmental conservation seem to work? And what areas should be conservation priorities to sustain global ecosystems? What does international development assistance do for the people who depend most directly on their local environments for their livelihoods? This module helps students find their own answers to some of these pressing questions by introducing them to development geography. Students explore key ideas from this subdiscipline including political ecology - the study of environments as products of social action - and performative economy - the idea of 'economy' as an abstract realm we bring into being by describing it. The coursework involves using in-depth case studies of economy and ecology to evaluate different pathways towards - and definitions of - 'development.'
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of economic development and environmental transformation through an exploration of current debates in Human Geography. It introduces students to some of the key issues within the sub-discipline of development geography as well as allied debates in political and economic geography. The module aims to familiarize students with geographical understandings of economic and environmental history. It introduces the sectoral, area-based, and conceptual approaches that characterize much development geography research through case-studies of global economic and environmental concerns. Assessing case-study material drawn from across the developing world will develop the skills necessary for students to evaluate and critique explanations of the diversity of global development outcomes.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
systematically evaluate conceptual approaches to economic development and environmental transformation in detailed case studies to generate a consultancy report: 2
select and interpret relevant literature to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of theoretical approaches and research methodologies in development geography: 1,2
describe and then critique the empirical basis on which differing geographical theories of development were formulated, placing their interpretations in the context of wider debates in social sciences: 1,2
identify and critically assess different theories of economic development and environmental transformation, especially in relation to the ways these theories explain spatial inequalities among and within nation states and global regions: 1,2
20 x 1 hours in situ activities
70 hours report preparation
5 hours group presentation preparation via Teams
20 hours group infographic preparation via Teams
35 hours independent study via reading list and asynchronous resources on Teams
Description of Module Assessment
1: Group Project weighted 20%A group infographic summarising the contribution of a key development geography journal article.
A group (~4-5 students) project infographic, summarising visually the key contribution of one of the set texts, available as e-articles, which underpin the key ILOs of the module vis community contexts for development and identifying and assessing theories explaining spatial inequalities. Peer-marking of contribution will be an option for students.
2: Coursework weighted 80%4000-word coursework consultancy report
An individual consultancy report (4000 words) on a key aspect of global development selected from a set list of topics, supported with seminar activities and surgery hours.