Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
German 4 or equivalent (e.g. GCSE grade B/5-6, CEF level A2)
This module will build upon the competence acquired in German 4 (or equivalent).
Students will become acquainted with aspects of German culture through the medium of German. Each week will be devoted to a different topic, which will include themes such as club life, the generation gap, travel, friendship, and German proverbs and nursery rhymes. The core skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - will be expanded and communicative competence and awareness of grammar will be developed further. Teaching will be based around a course book which will be supplemented by a range of video material. There will be a variety of tasks and exercises during each class, such as discussion and role play; listening comprehension and reading and writing tasks and further, partly web-based, self-study tasks.
The language level of this module corresponds to work leading to Level B1 in the European Common Framework for Languages (CEFR -B1)
To consolidate existing German language skills and further develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as develop general language learning skills.
The course is also designed to offer insights into cultural specificities.
Intended Learning Outcomes
understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters.: 1
enter unprepared into conversations on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life: 1
connect phrases to describe experiences and events, their dreams hopes and ambitions.: 1,2
write simple text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest, using dictionaries where appropriate: 2
use German internet and other authentic sources to collect and use information for essays.: 2
demonstrate awareness of register and style: 1,2
understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language without the use of dictionaries.: 1,2
20 hours of synchronous and asynchronous class time
100 hours class preparation and revision and private study
22 hours revision for and completion of written exam
8 hours preparation for and attendance at spoken interaction exam
Admission to the module must be confirmed through completion of a language level self-assessment form
Students are only permitted to take one German language module per semester
Description of Module Assessment
1: Oral Exam weighted 50%Spoken interaction assessment
A 6-7 minute spoken interaction assessment to test speaking (productive) and listening (receptive) skills. Task may include role play, presentation, question and answer, description and similar. If assessments are organised in pairs or groups individual marks will be awarded to each student and the total time allowed will be 5-6 minutes per student.
2: Exam weighted 50%1 hour reading/writing exam
Examination testing writing and reading skills and the command of active and passive vocabulary from the topic areas studied.