GER-90010 - German 10
Coordinator: Ilse Wuhrer Room: CBB1.011 Tel: +44 1782 7 34079
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733960

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective





German 9 or equivalent (e.g. A level A or A*, CEF level B2)

Barred Combinations

Description for 2022/23

This module is designed for students with very advanced German language skills (German 9, or equivalent) and will focus on systematically enhancing all four skills, whilst studying topics of relevance to modern-day Germany.
The module will be mainly based on authentic German texts and audio-visual materials such as films, TV recordings and web material, which will be exploited in class and self-study time.
By the end of the module students should be able to handle a variety of complex German sources, including newspaper articles and fictional texts, conduct your own searches of German websites and read and discuss factual and fictional texts with some confidence.
Feedback on formative and summative assessments will be provided at regular intervals and emphasis will be placed on enabling you to become an efficient independent language learner after completion of the course.
The language level of this module corresponds to work leading to Level C1 in the European Common Framework for Languages (CEFR -C1)

The modules aims to consolidate and enhance existing German language skills and knowledge of issues relevant to contemporary German society.
The module will also focus on students' ability to become efficient independent language learners.

Intended Learning Outcomes

understand most films in standard language: 2
express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious search for expressions: 1,2
present clear detailed descriptions of complex subjects: 1,2
write an essay or report, passing on information and giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view: 2
demonstrate accurate usage of the language with regard to register, vocabulary, grammar and style: 1,2
discuss contemporary issues with reference to the cultural context of German speaking countries: 1
read, summarize and discuss specialised articles: 1,2

Study hours

20 hours of synchronous and asynchronous class time
100 hours class preparation and revision and private study
22 hours revision for and completion of written exam
8 hours preparation for and attendance at spoken interaction exam

School Rules

Admission to the module must be confirmed through completion of a language level self-assessment form
Students are only permitted to take one German language module per semester.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Oral Exam weighted 50%
Spoken interaction assessment
A 8-10 minute spoken interaction assessment to test speaking (productive) and listening (receptive) skills. Task may include role play, presentation, question and answer, description and similar. If assessments are organised in pairs or groups individual marks will be awarded to each student and the total time allowed will be 5-6 minutes per student.

2: Exam weighted 50%
1 hour reading/writing exam
Examination testing writing and reading skills and the command of active and passive vocabulary from the topic areas studied.