Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The course aims to provide students with a new perspective on German history. Moving away from a common focus on Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and imperial history, the module will instead explore German reactions to the many manifestations of 'high modernity' between 1900 and 1933. The primary focus of the course will be on the openness of German history, allowing students to reject teleological readings of the subject. Students will come to appreciate the options available to men and women of the time, when the 'old' and the 'new' were juxtaposed in many areas of life, including religion, consumption, psychology, aesthetics, the body and national belonging. The module will also introduce students to the methods of cultural history.
To introduce students to German History before National Socialism
To enable students to reflect on continuity and change in History
To allow students to identify and assess different perspectives of the historiography on pre-1933 Germany
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
discuss, evaluate, and critically assess a range of primary sources: 2
utilize critically primary sources in order to produce historical narratives: 1,2
engage in debate in a sensitive, constructive, and rigorous manner: 2
discuss, evaluate, and critically assess historiographical debates and methodologies: 1,2
10 x 2 hour seminars
50 hours seminar preparation
50 hours essay preparation
30 hours preparation for group presentation
Description of Module Assessment
1: Exercise weighted 70%Essay
c. 2000-word essay, set by tutor.
2: Group Presentation weighted 30%30-minute group Presentation
30-minute group presentation with Q&A
Groups will consist of 2-3 students, depending on size of seminars
All students in groups will be awarded the same mark, provided that the same amount of time is invested