Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The module introduces employee resourcing and examines internal and external factors which influence talent planning, notably labour market structures. Students will gain an understanding of the theory and practice of employee resourcing and retention and of associated managerial practices. The module examines job descriptions and person specifications, analyses the reliability and validity of a range of recruitment and selection methods, and considers the role of the law and equal opportunities in this important area. The module also provides an overview of the role of human resource management in training and developing employees, career management and staff retention.
To develop a critical understanding of the theory and practice of employee resourcing, including workforce planning and employee retention, and associated managerial practices.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify the main external and internal contextual factors impacting on employee resourcing: 1,2
assess different elements of talent planning activities: 2
identify relationships between organisational structure, job design and employee resourcing: 1,2
assess different recruitment and selection methods within the expectations of the law and good practice: 2
identify the main approaches to career planning and assess the contribution of training and development: 2
reflect on staff retention issues and labour turnover: 2
assess emerging issues (e.g. globalisation and labour market trends) influencing employee resourcing strategies: 1,2
explain different forms of employment and flexible resourcing strategies: 2
15 hours of lectures
5 hours of tutorials
4 hours of tutor-led activities
10 hours preparation for tutorials
71 hours preparation for summative assessment (essay and exam)
45 hours private study
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 50%1,500 words essay
The essay will cover the early lectures of the module (e.g. the theoretical framework of employee resourcing).
2: Open Book Examination weighted 50%Take-away exam
The exam will assess the later part of the module and will be structured in two parts, each with a choice of questions. One question must be answered from each part. Answers are expected to be of a critical nature, demonstrating understanding of the key issues and arguments covered in the later parts of the module.
This is a take-away exam which will be available on KLE for 24 hours to answer and submit the answers via Turnitin. Although students have significant time to complete and submit answers, it is expected that most students will spend no more than 2 hours with a maximum of 2000 words. Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible.