LAW-20033 - Law in Action
Coordinator: Jane Krishnadas Room: CBC1.026 Tel: +44 1782 7 33160
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733218

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

The Law in Action Module is a unique contribution to the Law School which was initiated and developed by our law students who conducted a pilot Street Law project working with the local community partner Savana to question and raise awareness on issues of sexual violence in the University in the wider legal context of access to justice.
Following the student's engagement and commitment to the pilot project, we have been able to develop relations with a range of community based organisations working on social and legal issues such as homelessness, asylum seekers and refugees, and domestic violence, whereby the students visit the organisations, listen to the experiences of persons seeking access to justice, and develop research projects to present to the local High School to raise community awareness.
The law in action student becomes, just by engaging with the module, an agent of change, both in their own personal journey of reflection upon the distinction of law in action and law in the classroom, and by research and sharing their perspectives to create a wider awareness on the potential and limits of law.
The module is delivered through a three strand learning process of
1) Community Field Visits and developing a research project to present to Year 10 students at a local High School
2) Lectures on access to justice through the key areas of housing, asylum, domestic and sexual violence and law.
3) Tutorials to reflect on the student's experience through critical readings on legal consciousness, social justice and being an agent of change.
The module is assessed through
1) 2,500 word critical research essay on the student's chosen research project
2) 1,500 word reflective log on the student's reflection of their learning journey through the module.

This module aims to introduce students to how law works in the community and facilitate and empower students to take an active and reflective role in their learning, and provide a realistic context in which students can practice their general transferable and applied communication skills. Primarily, however, the module offers a distinctive opportunity for student learning in Law in Action and to build on Level 4 skills modules.
Particularly it provides the students with a unique opportunity to engage with local community organisations, and present their group projects to the local High School as part of the citizenship curriculum.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

demonstrate knowledge and understanding of law�s role in the community: 1
be able to communicate legal information to specialist and non-specialist audiences using appropriate techniques and to understand the legal and ethical issues arising: 1
be able to apply legal research and problem solving techniques to legal issues in the community including the planning of information providing: 1

Study hours

9 hours lectures
9 hours tutorials
4 hours field visits
28 hours tutorial preparation
40 hours group presentation preparation and research
60 hours portfolio preparation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 100%
2,500 word essay
Students will complete a blended reflective and critical research essay of 2,500 words (excluding footnotes), based upon their community research project. They have a choice of four projects, and an open community research project (in case for any reason they cannot engage with one of the four community research projects).