Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The Family Law module draws from social and political theories to examine contemporary families in all their fluidity and diversity. We will offer a critical and socio-legal view alongside an understanding of the law relating to families, and we will look at how family disputes are resolved in practice. Having developed an understanding of societal trends and changing demographics which impact on family law policy, and with knowledge of the legal aspects of family law problems, we will also assess the existing law and make suggestions for reform. Topics include: creation, structure and regulation of the family unit; concepts and definitions of family and marriage; same sex marriage and civil partnerships; domestic violence; family dissolution and divorce; family finance; and the law relating to parents and their children. The module is delivered through two 1 hour lectures each week and a 1 hour tutorial every fortnight with an essay writing workshop at the end of the module to help prepare you for the assignment submission, a 3,000 word research essay from a choice of four questions. In the essay, students are asked to use conventional legal research methods to critically assess a current issue in Family Law covered in the course.
To provide a critical understanding of the law relating to families.
To be able to take a 'socio-legal' approach to examining the subject so that students examine family law within a framework of sociological and political theories of families.
To explore the ways in which the law creates, structures and regulates family units.
To understand how in practice the law regulates the end of formal partner relationships with specific reference to finance.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
articulate an acceptable level of knowledge of the substantive legal principles underpinning Family Law, both in writing and orally: 1
undertake independent legal research to critically analyse key areas of family law and developments or reforms in this area: 1
produce an acceptable piece of written work using conventional English and the accepted apparatus of Legal scholarship: 1
critically appraise specific cases under consideration and their relevance to the development of related principles in Family law: 1
18 x 1 hour lectures = 18 hours
8 x 1 hour seminars = 8 hours
1 x 1 hour revision and essay tutorial = 1 hour
Tutorial preparation = 30 hours
Private study = 43 hours
Essay research and writing = 50 hours
TOTAL = 150 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 100%2,500 word essay
A 2,500 word research essay (excluding footnotes) where students are asked to critically assess a current issue in Family Law covered in the course. Students are expected to use conventional legal research methods to write an essay from a choice of four questions. At Level 5 this will be one of the first modules in which these skills will be formally tested and essay guidance and formative feedback is embedded throughout the module to support this learning step.