Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
LAW-10039 (Legal Essentials)
This module situates an examination of the Companies Act 2006 within a critical and historical context. The module looks at the company as a social and economic actor, a species of business organisation (contrasting it with other forms of business organisation). It explores the central features of the limited liability company. The module will introduce you to models of the company with a specific focus on the doctrine of separate corporate personality, the changing nature of shares and the constitution of the company. It explores issues of ownership, management, control and responsibility as these arise in relation to the statutory duties of directors and shareholder protection.
To enable students to appreciate the basics of UK company law in light of the nature and import of companies in the domestic economy and wider society alike.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
describe and critique the essential tenets of UK company law: 1
explain and critique the meaning of the corporate personality and its implications on issues of financial liability: 1
assess and critique the legal frameworks defining the duties and the rights of directors and shareholders: 1
evaluate the practical significance of corporate governance theories: 1
deploy problem solving and essay writing skills: 1
11 x 2 hour lectures = 22 hours
5 x 1 hour tutorials = 5 hours
tutorial preparation, reading and formative assessment preparation = 70 hours
summative assessment preparation = 53 hours
Total = 150 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Assignment weighted 100%Assignment
The word limit for the assessment is 3,000 words. Students must answer one problem question in Part A and one essay question (from a choice of two) in Part B. The questions carry equal weight.