LAW-30083 - Dissertation (Double Module) - ISP
Coordinator: Martha Gayoye Tel: 07543724306
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733218

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This is your chance to pursue, in depth, an area of academic interest by developing your own research question and undertaking the necessary research.
This two-semester module requires you to complete an extended piece of supervised research over an entire academic year and concludes with the submission of a dissertation of between 8,000 and 10,000 words in length. Although you will be supported by a member of academic staff whose interests and expertise relate to your agreed topic, this module requires real self discipline to undertake it successfully. You will be required to demonstrate independence of thought and action. This does not mean, however, that a dissertation needs to be a lonely task. You will be encouraged to participate in a number of events designed to support the community of students undertaking this module, and to help them support each other.
Please ensure that you have read the Module Handbook and completed the application process set out in the Handbook before selecting this module. Proposed titles are subject to the approval of the External Examiner.

This module provides students with an opportunity to devise and undertake their own extended research project, under the guidance of a supervisor. Students undertaking this module will have the opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills in ways not normally tested by taught modules, including the ability to:
a) organise their own work over several months;
b) locate (with guidance where appropriate) essential material;
c) organise a large amount of material on a single topic or theme;
d) make use, where appropriate, of the inter-disciplinary nature of the Keele degree programme; and
e) communicate clearly and effectively in an extended piece of written work.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

create and pursue a viable research question to a successful conclusion: 2
produce a substantial, coherent and persuasive piece of self-directed work: 2
identify and apply an acceptable research methodology in the social sciences: 1,2

Study hours

Workshops, including methodology and work in progress: 12 hours
Individual supervision: 16 hours
Self-directed reading and dissertation preparation = 272 hours

School Rules

This module is not available to a student who is undertaking LAW-30084 (the single module ISP for law students).

Description of Module Assessment

1: Research Proposal weighted 10%
Research Proposal
A research proposal not exceeding 750 words and a list of proposed sources. The list of proposed sources does not fall within the 750 word limit. Each proposal will be first-marked by the Module Leader (or an independent marker when the Module Leader is also the student's supervisor) and second-marked by the student�s supervisor against clear criteria. If a mark cannot be agreed, an independent third-marker will be asked to adjudicate.

2: Dissertation weighted 90%
A dissertation with a word limit of 8,000 words (excluding footnotes). Each dissertation will be marked independently by two members of staff: (i) a member of staff other than the student's supervisor and (ii) the student's supervisor. The Module Leader will review the feedback and marks of both markers and seek to agree a final mark with them (if the Module Leader was one of the original markers, an independent member of staff will undertake this role). If a final mark cannot be agreed, the Module Leader will invite a third person to mark the dissertation before deciding upon the final mark.