Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
LAW-10039 Legal Essentials
This module will introduce you to issues relating to gender, sexuality and law. There is particular research strength in this field of scholarship within the School. The module will approach questions of gender and sexuality from historical, theoretical and law reform perspectives. Feminist and Queer theories as well as a journey back in time to consider the legal regulation of sexuality in ancient Greece will provide you with critical tools to make sense of contemporary law. What do we mean as a culture and as a legal system when we use words like sex, gender, and sexuality? How many sexes, genders and sexualities do you think there are? The module will challenge the notion that there are only two: male/female (sex); masculine/feminine (gender); heterosexual/homosexual (sexuality). In the process, you will learn something about the role law plays in the production, regulation and erasure of particular sexed, gendered and sexual identities. The module will consider a number of concrete examples of social and legal struggle around issues of gender and sexuality. Thus you will examine the medico-legal regulation of transgender people; lesbian, gay and queer legal struggles; the medico-legal regulation of intersex bodies; transgender people and prison regulation, sexual assault, AND domestic violence.
1. to introduce students to the concepts of gender and sexuality.
2. to enable students to develop a critical perspective on the relationship between gender, sexuality and the law.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
critically analyse the role law plays in the regulation of gender and sexuality: 2
apply theoretical knowledge to a series of 'concrete' socio-legal issues: 2
develop independent research and writing skills through completion of a research essay: 2
demonstrate a critical and evaluative understanding of sexual and gender dimensions of law/legal studies: 2
Develop independent critical reflective practice in learning through reflective writing portfolios: 1
10 x 2 hours seminars = 20 hours
seminar prep = 40 hours
Independent research (reading, preparation & writing) = 90 hours
Total: 150 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Portfolio weighted 30%Reflective portfolio
These reflective portfolios are geared at weekly seminar preparation to aid in the students' engagement prior to the seminars (hence submission by the mornings of the seminars), and to foster independent critical reflective practice. The portfolios will be assessed in blocks of three to four weeks (weeks one to three; weeks four to six, and then weeks 7 to 10), each comprising 10% of the overall mark of the assessment, making up 30% of the overall mark of the assessment. Students will be required to compile the three reflections into one document of not more than 1000 words and submit it on KLE at a set deadline during the assessment period, alongside the research essay (assessment 2).
2: Essay weighted 70%Research-based essay
A choice of different essay topics will be provided for students to choose from. Students will be given an opportunity to submit essay plans for feedback and approval before they embark on writing the essay. Students will be required to engage critically with the course materials and to conduct independent research. Word limit: 2,000 words (excluding footnotes).