Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Transnational crime has become an important policy issue in the contemporary world. Every country is affected one way or another and criminal groups accumulate massive profits by providing illicit goods and services such as drugs and human beings. There are other crimes, including terrorism and cyber crime, which have become more serious and dangerous in modern time. While globalisation has brought about many positive changes, it has simultaneously made it easier for criminals to operate internationally. These criminals also employ sophisticated techniques to avoid law enforcement. All of these require national governments to be creative and implement more effective measures.
The purpose of this module is to twofold. First, we will explore some of the most serious transnational crimes in the contemporary world such as illicit cycle of narcotics (production, trafficking and consumption), human/organ trafficking, cyber crimes, and terrorism. Second, we will consider various ways to combat these crimes which go beyond simple criminal justice responses, paying particular attention to the supply and demand dynamics. In this regard, wider social, cultural and human rights dimensions will be examined.
The module is based on the seminar-style, interactive teaching where student take the lead role in facilitating class discussions. It will be assessed through a coursework essay of 4,000 words (100%)
To help students:
1) understand the nature and extent of some of the major crimes from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
2) understand the nature of illegal markets and the modus operandi of criminals and criminal groups.
3) identify and critically analyse the key legal frameworks to address transnational crimes at national, regional and international levels.
4) identify and critically analyse the major law enforcement and other responses to transnational crimes at the national, regional and international levels.
5) explore some of the effective ways to address transnational crimes.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify relevant primary and secondary, legal and non-legal materials, relating to transnational crimes through library and online database such as WestLaw and LexixNexis, as well as other internet sources: 1
organise and conduct effective research on transnational crimes
: 1
develop coherence and clarity in written and oral presentations that allow them to articulate to others a critical evaluation of the knowledge they have acquired: 1
synthesise and critically analyse these materials: 1
Seminars 10 x 2 hours - 20 hours
Seminar Preparation Hours (research & reading) - 70 hours
Research for an assessed essay - 30 hours
Writing an assessed essay - 30 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 100%Essay with a word limit of 3,000 words (excluding footnotes)
A 3,000 words essay from a set of questions, with the option to choose an essay topic agreed by the module leader. The essay topics will require students to critically analyse issues covered in the module.