LIB-20008 - Creative Arts and Humanities in Society
Coordinator: Nicholas Seager Tel: +44 1782 7 33142
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

To explore how human values are closely related to the Arts and creativity in general.
To explore the contribution of the Arts to culture, education, self-expression, and public life.
To explore the nature of the creative process.
Through the Arts, explore possible interactions and interconnections between people, commerce, culture, space and form.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key theoretical concepts relating to creativity: 1
Communicate understanding of their own creative process and demonstrate an ability to evaluate their practice through the application of key theoretical concepts: 1
Identify ways the Creative Arts and Humanities can contribute to our understanding of Society: 1
Critically evaluate the role of community arts projects in the formation and development of social, regional and national identities: 1

Study hours

24 contact hours in the form of seminars and workshops.
42 hours seminar/tutorial preparation
84 hours assessment preparation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 100%
Portfolio of 4 pieces
The portfolio will consist of four pieces of work as follows: 1. A short piece of creative writing � up to 1000 words depending on genre (genres might include narrative, poetry, writing for performance, autobiography, and literary journalism); 2. Reflective Journal (4 x 250 words). Students will keep a reflective journal throughout the semester to record their responses to seminars and insights, thoughts and reflections on their own and others' practice and outcomes. 3. A review of an artwork or event in any genre (500 words). 4. An editorial for a special edition of a 'Journal for the Creative Arts and Humanities' (500 words). Students will identify a theme relating to creative arts and humanities and having researched it will then select five articles for the journal and write an editorial introducing them.