Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Successful completion of BA (Hons) degree with 360 credits
The Integrated Masters of Liberal Arts offers the opportunity for students to choose a dissertation or creative project as the culmination of the 4 year degree.
This dissertation module provides an exciting opportunity for you to demonstrate your advanced knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary perspectives and approaches used within the Liberal Arts by focusing on a topic/theme/issue/area of your own choosing that reflects your interest and developing specialism.
You will devise and design an extended and in-depth critical research project using advanced methodologies, knowledge and research skills introduced though the programme and by discipline specific modules offered from across the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
You will submit an appropriately structured, argued, referenced and illustrated 20,000 word dissertation using relevant evidence and sources as an extended masters level piece of original research.
You will also present your work at an end of year conference using a variety of visual, written and oral methods to showcase your research processes and findings to a mixed audience.
You will be supported throughout by a nominated and dedicated supervisor who will provide support, advice and assistance to help you deliver an extensive research project and report.
In all, this module is an important component of your degree and reflects your advanced level of knowledge and expertise in Liberal Arts theory, methods, sources, evidence, critical thinking and problem solving skills at Masters level.
This will show prospective employers that you are a skilled and dedicated independent researcher capable of identifying, designing, developing and delivering a long term project using a variety of concepts, theories, methods and skills and can communicate, using a number of means and methods, effectively.
It will also provide you with the essential foundation should you wish to continue on to a postgraduate research degree (PhD)
To enable postgraduate students to research, plan and write a substantial dissertation, locating their specific topic/area/theme using advanced debates, methodologies, research skills and evidence in associated specific academic disciplines within the context of the liberal arts.
To demonstrate effective communication and confidence when dealing with a range of formats and audiences.
To deliver an original research project demonstrating advanced knowledge and understanding of evidence gathering, handling and processing of information, argumentation, critical thinking and problem solving using disciplinary specific approaches with the breadth of a liberal arts approach.
Intended Learning Outcomes
identify an appropriate area/theme/issue within the Liberal arts and design a research project applying appropriate research/methodological processes and skills; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
evaluate critically and apply advanced current research from across disciplines wtinin the field of liberal arts; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
communicate effectively using written, oral and visual methods; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
apply a critical and analytical approach to problem solving within the complex and contested character of inquiry in the liberal arts; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
demonstrate advanced knowledge of Liberal Arts theories, methods, perspectives and approaches;
will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
gather, select and organise data and information from a variety of secondary and primary sources and interpret, analyse and deploy that evidence; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
synthesize relevant information, exercise critical judgement and construct reasoned argument; will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
demonstrate project and time management skills. will be achieved by assessments: 1,2
A series of workshops (5 x 2 hours) delivered at beginning of Sem 1 to provide information, facilitate planning, research design, complete the ethics approval process, etc.
1 similar workshop will be organised at the start of Sem 2 to check on progress and provide support, advice and information additional to supervision. (1 x 2 hours)
Total = 6 x 2 = 12
30 hours of face to face and electronic supervision, feedback etc. is planned to provide expert advice and support.
The remaining independent study hours are made up from:
330 hours research activity
228 hours write up
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 20%Oral and visual Presentation of Project
Students will attend an end of year conference event where they will present using a mix of written, oral and visual materials details of the design, process and findings/output of their research project.
2: Research Report weighted 80%Submission of final project report.
Students will submit a 20,000 word research report.