Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will introduce you to a broad range of core biochemistry concepts that will underpin a lot of what you will be studying throughout your course. Starting from an overview of basic concepts of chemical bonding, reactivity, kinetics and thermodynamics, you will look at their application to the study of protein structure and how this relates to protein and enzyme function.
Your exploration of the function of enzymes will consider reaction kinetics and why this is important in terms of understanding the control and regulation of biochemical processes, including the generation of energy in cellular metabolism. In this part of the module you will explore in more detail the biochemical processes that underpin energy generation in the body and cover the major metabolic pathways responsible for the processing of carbohydrates, fatty acids and protein/amino acids; something that will be explored in more detail in future modules.
Overall this module will provide you with a solid grounding in core biochemistry and develop an appreciation of the relationship between the chemical and biological sciences that underpin our understanding of human biological and biochemical processes.
The module aims to provide students with an understanding of core chemical concepts and their application to the biological sciences. These concepts are applied to topics developing an understanding of protein and enzyme structure-function, the progress of biochemical reactions and the major metabolic pathways for the generation of energy. Supporting tutorial and workshop activities will align with asynchronous content and practical sessions delivered in LSC-10087 and will introduce students to a range of essential biochemical techniques for the study of enzyme kinetics. Further supporting workshops and tutorials are designed to support the development of key skills in data analysis, presentation and communication of information.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
explain the basis of the layout of the periodic table and how this relates to atomic and molecular structure and properties, including Lewis notation applied to bonding in simple organic molecules: 2
explain basic concepts of chemical bonding, kinetics, reactivity and thermodynamics and their application to the study of protein structure, biochemical reactions and metabolic processes: 1,2,3
describe the macromolecular structure of proteins in terms of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure and the common structural motifs adopted by folded proteins: 2
explain the effect of environmental changes, substrate concentration and the binding of non-substrate ligands on protein and enzyme structure and function: 1,2
describe the central role of metabolism in homeostasis and explain the progress and control of key metabolic pathways involving carbohydrates, fatty acids and protein/amino acids: 3
describe oxidative metabolic processes for the production of ATP, including enzyme complexes in the mitochondria: 3
analyse and interpret experimental data from the results of experimental investigations and communicate these effectively in written form in a scientific laboratory report: 1
22 hours of workshops/tutorials/lectures supporting asynchronous materials and interaction
6 hours of IT workshops supporting data analysis and report writing
10x 9 hours engagement with asynchronous content
2x 2 hour online tasks/class tests
55 hours preparation of in-course assessment
123 hours independent study: preparation/revision for online tests and engaging with directed reading
Description of Module Assessment
1: Laboratory Report weighted 30%Laboratory report
Students will produce a laboratory report (~2,000 words) assessing scientific content/insight and graphical data presentation/analysis based on data collected in laboratory sessions delivered in LSC-10087, supported with a number of tutorials/workshops on data analysis and report writing.
2: Online Tasks weighted 35%Class Test 1- online, 2-hours
Online class test covering the core learning materials from the first half of the module, comprising MCQ/SAQ questions testing core knowledge and understanding. Duration will be 1-hour expected active working time with an assessment window of 2-hours, held during the semester. Formative tests will also be provided to support preparation.
3: Online Tasks weighted 35%Class Test 2- online, 2-hours
Online class test covering the core learning materials from the second half of the module, comprising MCQ/SAQ questions testing core knowledge and understanding. Duration will be 1-hour expected active working time with an assessment window of 2-hours, held in January. Formative tests will also be provided to support preparation.