Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module consolidates and expands upon the theoretical and practical material that you are covering in the Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology modules to expand your portfolio of professional skills. You'll be introduced to the concept of student-led, case-based learning, where as a group you will investigate the real life applications of biochemistry in the diagnosis, treatment and management of disease. These case studies will also help you to develop your study skills, group leadership skills and scribing skills. On the practical side, you'll take a deeper look at the applications of equipment, learn how to produce COSHH assessments, which have to be completed for any procedure where hazardous substances are used. You'll also complete an innovative mini-project.
With no end of module exam, the assessment is focused on course work, which has been designed to help you to write in different styles (reflective, scientific, technical) and foster creativity. For example you'll get the chance to write your own case study and to work as a team to design and market an assay kit.
This module consolidates material from the 3 core biochemistry modules and LSC-10087, running alongside it. Through a series of cases, skills tutorials and lab work (LSC-10087), the aims are to develop team-working, good laboratory practice, enquiry and analytical skills. Based on the labs carried on in the module LSC-10087, team-working will be developed via an extended mini-project to design, market and test an assay kit. The case-based learning helps students to integrate material from other modules, using medical-based scenarios to explore the applications of biochemistry, chemistry and related bioscience in the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of disease. The assessment allows students to develop different writing skills and fosters creativity.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
describe the basic principles and applications of select items of laboratory equipment and assay procedures in preparative and analytic biochemistry research techniques: 1
perform a COSHH risk assessment for a biochemical procedure, with reference to appropriate health and safety requirements for safe working: 1
as a team, design and optimise experimental conditions for the quantification of an allocated metabolite to produce and market an assay kit: 2
acquire, analyse, synthesise, summarise and effectively present information from a wide variety of sources: 3,4
perform basic calculations (e.g calculation drug dosages, converting from one unit to another, molarity calcuations, data analysis): 3,4
explain the biochemistry, chemistry, related biosciences and relevant ethical issues underpinning clinical scenarios covered in the case studies: 3,4
describe the application of biochemistry and related biosciences in the diagnosis, management and treatment of disease: 1,4
effectively chair and record proceedings during case-study sessions: take responsibility for their own learning and reflect upon that learning: 4
Scheduled learning
19 hours Case-study tutorials
10 hours lab-based skills tutorials/workshops
3 hours assessment preparation/revision tutorials
2 hours peer assessment tutorials
Independent study
55 hours completion of portfolio
66 hours completion of group project
(including reflection on labs delivered as part of LSC 10087)
55 hours preparation of case study
90 hours directed research for case studies (15 hours per case)
Description of Module Assessment
1: Portfolio weighted 35%Portfolio
A portfolio comprising a standard operating procedure, a COSHH report, scientific method, data analysis and calculations related to assigned scientific procedures/assays. (total word count 2000)
2: Group Project weighted 30%Group project to design and market an assay kit
Allied to the lab sessions in LSC-10087, groups will optimise experimental conditions to design, package and market an assay kit for an allocated metabolite. Simulated data may be provided for analysis where necessary.
3: Case Study weighted 30%Case study and tutor notes
For a named condition students will write a case scenario, identify key learning outcomes and write tutor briefing notes - max 2000 words.
4: Competence weighted 5%Student participation in case studies
The tutorial will asses the students' performance in case study tutorials based on level of participation, quality of material presented, chairing and scribing skills.